Cancer: Naming a Baby With a Libra Partner
Cancer, despite your differences in personality, you and your Libra partner will be excellent partners at finding a baby name. You each bring a lot of energy to the process — this is something you’ve looked forward to for a long time.
As long as you’re adding names to the list, it should be smooth sailing between you and Libra. Challenges may arise when vetoes start being thrown around. If your partner nixes one of your favorite names, you may instinctively shut them out. If you play the veto card, your partner may feel as if you don’t understand their point of view.
If you do have disagreements, the stress should be relatively short-lived. Both you and Libra are motivated to put in the work necessary to find a name that works for your family, as well as the patience to collaborate.
Ultimately, you’re looking for something similar: a name that represents the family you’ve created — both sides — one that fits in and feels fresh, beautiful, and easy to love.
Celebrity Cancer & Libra Namers
Pamela Anderson & Tommy Lee: Brandon Thomas & Dylan Jagger
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