Celestial Names
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- Aditya
"belonging to Aditi"Description:
Aditi's seven children, Hindu Gods, are named Aditya.
- Alcyone
Greek mythology nameMeaning:
Alcyone was the wife of Ceyx, but the happy pair angered the gods by calling each other Zeus and Hera. Ceyx's ship was sunk, Alcyone hurled herself into the sea, but then in sympathy for their grief the gods made the lovers halcyon birds or kingfishers.
- Alina
Slavic, Germanic, Arabic, ScottishMeaning:
"bright, beautiful; noble; delicate, soft; defending men"Description:
Alina has been drifting up the US popularity charts since the early 1980s, and now sits in in the Top 200. But Alina's real strength is in its international flexibility: The name ranks highly in a wide range of European, English speaking, and Latin American countries.
- Altalune
"over the moon"Description:
Altalune is an invention used by Uma Thurman and Arpad Busson as one of several middle names for their daughter. It's evocative Latin meaning roughly translates to "over the moon." Celebrity baby Altalune will be called the more familiar Luna for short.
- Alula
"first leap"Description:
Alula, the palindromic name of the first double star to be identified as physically related to its twin, would make the perfect name for a first-born twin. Ideas (we're only half joking) for the second born: Aviva, Aziza, Otto. Alula is reminiscent of the unusual name chosen by Isla Fisher and Sacha Baron Cohen for their second daughter: Elula, a month name from the Hebrew calendar.
- Alya
"heavens, highborn, exalted"Description:
Alya is most familiar in the US in its much-more-complicated form Aaliyah, the spelling used by the later singer. The traditional name of the star system Theta Serpentis, Alya is also an established Muslim first name and a Turkish place-name. It may also be a Russian short form for Alexandra or any other Al- name.
- Amaryllis
"to sparkle"Description:
If you love both unique baby names and flower names for girls, Amaryllis might be a perfect choice for you.
- Ambrose
Gentle but grandiose and beloved by British novelists including Evelyn Waugh and P. G. Wodehouse, Ambrose was a fast rising name in 2022. Entering the UK Top 1000 for the first time and proving popular among Nameberry users, its elegance, softness, and vintage style means it fits in with popular Theodore, Sebastian, and Jeremiah.
- Ambrosia
Latin, feminine form of AmbroseMeaning:
Ambrosia combines some of the more whimsical qualities of more popular Aurora and Isabella, with a heavenly meaning.
- Anatole
"from the east, rising sun"Description:
Anatole is one of the unique boys' names with an unusual-ish feel but an uncertain provenance, with a meaning related to sunrise and thus to fire. While it's Greek in origin, it is associated more closely with France. Anatole Kuragin is a dashing, roguish prince in Tolstoy's War and Peace.
- Andromache
Greek,"battle of man"Meaning:
"battle of man"Description:
Andromache is a name found scattered throughout ancient literature. She was Hector's long-suffering wife in The Iliad and The Odyssey, featured in The Trojan Women and Andromache by Euripides, then later appeared in Shakepeare's Troilus and Cressida, and Jean Racine's 1667 play Andromaque. It is not likely to make many appearances in the modern world.
- Andromeda
Greek mythology nameMeaning:
"advising like a man"Description:
One of the stellar unique baby names from mythology, Andromeda was the beautiful daughter of Cassiopeia who, like her mother, literally became a star--the constellation that bears her name.The Bohemian Andromeda makes a dramatic and adventurous choice in a time when four-syllable mythological names are gradually making their way into the mainstream.
- Apollo
Greek mythology nameMeaning:
With mythological names rising, the handsome son of Zeus and god of medicine, music, and poetry among many other things might offer an interesting, if high-pressure, option.
- Araceli
"altar of the sky"Description:
Once-obscure Spanish name inching back up into the US Top 1000 girl names after a short break. Araceli Segarra is a noted mountain climber.
- Argentia
A shimmery ancient Roman name that could still shine today. VARIATION: ARGENTA
- Arianell
This early Welsh saint's name is unusual and lovely, waiting to be discovered. Saint Arianell was a member of the Welsh royal family who was possessed by a spirit which was exorcised by Saint Dyfrig, who became Arianell's spiritual teacher.
- Artemesia
"gift from Artemis"Description:
Derived from Artemis, the name of the Greek mythological goddess of the moon and hunting, Artemesia has a couple of notable associations, among them a fourth century Queen of Caria who was responsible for the Mausoleum of Halicarnassus, one of the Seven Wonders of the World..
- Arun
Masculinization of Aruna, Sanskrit, HindiMeaning:
"reddish brown"Description:
Arun is the common masculinization of the name Aruna, the Hindu god who drives the sun god Surya across the sky in his chariot. Aruna is also used as a female name.
- Asa
Hebrew; JapaneseMeaning:
"healer; born in the morning"Description:
A short but strong biblical name with multicultural appeal, Asa is enjoying new visibility thanks to hot young actor Asa Butterfield of Hugo fame.
- Ascella
A star system in Sagittarius, so one of the most appropriate names for December babies.