Variations of Ian

  1. Eann
    • Eion
      • Iain
        • Origin:

          Gaelic variation of John
        • Meaning:

          "God is gracious"
        • Description:

          Iain, this authentic Gaelic form of John, has been well used in Scotland since the early twentieth century, used concurrently with the shortened Ian spelling, but is rarely seen in the US.
      • Iann
        • Iantha
          • Ianthe
            • Origin:

            • Meaning:

              "purple flower"
            • Description:

              Like Violet, Lavender and Lilac, Ianthe is a purple flower name. Chosen by the poet Shelley for his daughter, Ianthe has a poetic, romantic, almost ethereal quality. In the ancient myth, she was the daughter of Oceanus, supreme ruler of the sea, and also a Cretan woman so beautiful that when she died the Gods made purple flowers grow around her grave.
          • Ion
            • Origin:

              Romanian and Basque variation of John
            • Description:

              A cross between Ian and a group of atomic particles.