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- Andra
Variation of AndreaDescription:
Arty seventies name usually pronounced AHN-dra.
- Ara
Simple and yet distinctive, Ara is a mythological name of a famously handsome king. Although it originated as a boys' name, in the contemporary US, it's now much more commonly used for girls.
- Edana
Feminine of Aidan, but now girls would prefer to use the original.
- Elara
Greek mythology nameMeaning:
"hazelnut, spear"Description:
In Greek mythology, Elara was a lover of Zeus who gave birth to a giant son (ouch); it's also the name of one of the moons of Jupiter, giving it a celestial feel. Possibly derived from the Greek alara meaning "hazelnut" or "spear", it combines that favorite El- beginning with the popular -ara ending of Clara, Lara, and Amara, making it an all round appealing choice. Currently in the UK Top 1000, and on the rise in the US, it could be a fresher or less popular alternative to Ella, Lyra, or Laura.
- Evella
Invented literary nameDescription:
Though it doesn't have historic roots--it was created by L. Frank Baum for a Princess character in his book Ozma of Oz--Evella could fit well into the Eve-Eva-Evelyn group now coming back into favor.
- Isolde
Welsh, GermanMeaning:
"ice ruler"Description:
Now that Tristan has been rediscovered, maybe it's time for his fabled lover in the Arthurian romances and Wagnerian opera, a beautiful Irish princess, to be brought back into the light as well.
- Mona
"noble good"Description:
Mona had more than a moment in the sun, peaking in 1950 at Number 230 but falling off the Top 1000 completely in the late 1980s. Its similarity to the word "moaner" undercuts the appeal of its simplicity. In one recent year, fewer than 100 baby girls received the name, and we don't see it reviving any time soon.
- Orella
"announcement from the gods, oracle"Description:
A pleasantly unfamiliar addition to the ella family of names.
- Ovidia
Feminine variation of Ovidius, Roman family nameMeaning:
"shepherd or sheep"Description:
Ovidia is the unusual feminine form of the ancient Roman Ovidius, most famous as the name of the exiled 1st century Roman poet Ovid. Modern male form Ovidio is known in Spain and Portugal. Ovida is another variation.
- Una
Latin, Irish, or Old NorseMeaning:
"one; lamb; happy"Description:
In an epic poem, the personification of truth, beauty, and unity; this ancient name is popular in several European countries but less common in the US. The Oona spelling is slightly more popular but Una sleeker.