Awesome French Names

  1. Angeline
    • Origin:

      French variation of Angela
    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      With Angelina becoming so popular thanks to Ms. Jolie, this could be a new twist—but everyone will always misunderstand it as Angelina. While it currently ranks at Number 951 in the US, it's Number 352 in France.
  2. Angélique
    • Origin:

      French variation of Angelica
    • Description:

      Proof that a name can be too feminine.
  3. Anna
    • Origin:

      Variation of Hannah, Hebrew
    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Anna has become the dominant form of the Ann family, offering a touch of the international to English speakers and a bit more style than the oversimplified Ann or Anne.
  4. Annabelle
    • Origin:

      Combination of Anna and Belle or French form of Amabel
    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      This is a charming name that rose steeply along with other-belle names, such as Isabelle, until the horror film Annabelle and its sequels knocked it out of favor. Made famous by the Edgar Allen Poe poem Annabel Lee. Annabelle is saucy and stylish, a tad upscale, has a sense of humor, is melodious and lively, but is unfortunately off its peak.
  5. Annette
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Annette is a French diminutive of Ann which was among the first wave of widely-used girls' names from France, now neglected for so long that it's almost starting to feel stylish again.
  6. Antoinette
    • Origin:

      French feminine diminutive form of Antoine
    • Meaning:

      "priceless one"
    • Description:

      This feminization of Anthony, like other early French forms, such as Babette and Nanette, is not heard as often as it once was, but it could be time for a reappraisal of this delicate Gallic choice.
  7. Apolline
    • Origin:

      French form of Apollonia
    • Description:

      Apolline is a luscious French name chic in Paris and ripe for the plucking in the English-speaking world. Derived from the mythological name Apollo, the name may mean strength; Apollo was the god of sun and light. Apolline is a perfect choice for those attracted to the name Apple who don't want to go quite that far.
  8. Arianne
    • Origin:

      French, from Latin Ariadne
    • Meaning:

      "very holy one"
    • Description:

      Soft and delicate French name rarely heard here.
  9. Arielle
    • Origin:

      French variation of Ariel
    • Meaning:

      "lion of God"
    • Description:

      While not as popular as the Ariel spelling of Little Mermaid fame, this rendition has achieved popularity in its own right.
  10. Astrid
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "divinely beautiful"
    • Description:

      Astrid has been a Scandinavian royal name since the tenth century, and many people associated it with the Swedish author of the Pippi Longstocking stories, Astrid Lindgren. Astrid is derived from the name Ástríðr, which is made up of the Old Norse elements that mean "god" and "beautiful."
  11. Axelle
    • Origin:

      French feminine form of Axel
    • Meaning:

      "father of peace"
    • Description:

      Putting the emphasis on the "elle" softens a name that seems at once futuristic and medieval.
  12. Angèle
    • Babette
      • Origin:

        French, diminutive of Barbara
      • Description:

        A less common relic of the Claudette-Paulette-Annette era.
    • Benjamin
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

        "son of the right hand"
      • Description:

        Benjamin is a biblical name that has enjoyed widespread favor for decades, ranking in the US Top 50 for almost half a century and the Top 10 from 2015 until 2023.
    • Bernadette
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

        "brave as a bear"
      • Description:

        Although feminizations ending in "ette" are not particularly popular now, Bernadette is a pleasant, feminine, but strong name that doesn't feel prohibitively dated. And though strongly associated with the saint who saw visions of the Virgin Mary—Saint Bernadette of Lourdes—it is now no longer strictly inhabiting the Catholic diocese.
    • Blanche
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

      • Description:

        Blanche, which originated as a nickname for a pale blonde and then became associated with the notion of purity, was in style a century ago, ranking in the double digits until 1920. She then had to fight the stereotype of faded Southern belle, a la Blanche DuBois in Tennessee Williams's A Streetcar Named Desire and Blanche Devereaux in TV's Golden Girls. Now all three of the Golden Girls--Blanche, Rose and Dorothy--could be ready for revival, with Blanche sounding like a stronger, simpler alternative to Bianca.
    • Brice
      • Origin:

        Scottish surname
      • Meaning:

        "speckled, freckled"
      • Description:

        Brice, much more often spelled Bryce, is an old saint's name that now has a sleek and sophisticated image—it feels elegant and efficient. Of the two spellings, Bryce is much more popular for both sexes.
    • Brigitte
      • Origin:

        French variation of Brighid
      • Meaning:

        "strength or exalted one"
      • Description:

        Brigitte is the French version of the ancient Irish Brighid long associated with 1950s sex symbol Brigitte Bardot. If you want to pronounce Brigitte the French way, it's brih-ZHEET.
    • Bruno
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

      • Description:

        Tough-yet-cuddly Bruno is an international name even in its origins: it derives from the Germanic word for "brown" plus a Latin ending, and was borrowed as a color word in many European languages.
    • Béatrice