My Thirteen Children

It's been awhile since I updated a list with ALL of my children's names. Yes, they are living, breathing people, and my husband and I have done a good job naming them, I think. But more importantly, we're trying to do a good job raising them! ;-) I think the names are all pretty harmonious and work well for our LARGE family. We have stuck with a Gaelic theme for the first names, although I will admit to having stretched it a time or two. For the middle names, we have chosen family names or in a couple of cases, we've been influenced by the birth month or associated holiday. A couple of my babies CAME with names I knew they wanted or needed, so I have tried to follow my heart when naming these wonderful people. Our oldest child is now 20 and our youngest is 3 weeks old.
  1. Avalon Noelle
    • Bonny Dianne
      • Brennan Geoffrey
        • Davydd Aldie
          • Dierdre Marie
            • Eryn Mildred
              • Fiona Temple
                • Gavin Xavier
                  • Grayse Dawn
                    • Lliam Donal
                      • MacKenna Elyse
                        • Morganne Natalia
                          • Ronan Wainwright