Vintage Names with a Punch

Cool and uncommon vintage names that come with a punch; some lost to time and some making a comeback!
  1. Aloisia
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "famous fighter"
    • Description:

      Inventive female form of Aloysius.
  2. Aloysius
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "famous warrior"
    • Description:

      This name is a classic example of an underused golden oldie that ticks so many boxes - unusual yet traditional, heaps of cute nicknames, a statement name that exudes retro cool. Aloysius is the Latin form of many more common names like Louis, Luis, Luigi and the uncommon but symphonically familiar Ludwig.
  3. Alva
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "his highness"
    • Description:

      Edison's middle name is a fabulous option for parents looking for something with history and a soft sound. This could be the name you're looking for if you like Tesla's scientific pedigree but think that it has become too corporate with the advent of Elon Musk's company.
  4. Alva
    • Origin:

      English form of Irish Ailbhe, Swedish and Norwegian feminine form of Alf
    • Meaning:

      "white; elf"
    • Description:

      While the male Alva or Alvah relates directly to the minor Biblical character, the female version is more likely an Anglicized form of the Irish name Ailbhe, or a feminine form the name Alf (and Alf- beginning names), popular in its native Sweden and Norway. Best known as Thomas Edison's middle name, Alva has true unisex roots.
  5. Amias
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Amias or Amyas is a unique name with an attractive sound and feel and a lovely meaning. Though it might sound like a Biblical name, it is not, but is a surname that may be related to Amadeus or even be a male version of Amy--which would make it one of the few boys' names to be derived from a girls'.
  6. Archibald
    • Origin:

      Scottish from German
    • Meaning:

      "truly brave"
    • Description:

      The short form Archie is so open and friendly --and very trendy in the British Isles--that some parents are now beginning to consider the formerly fusty Archibald as well. SNL comedians Amy Poehler and Will Arnett are one couple who made this breakthrough choice.
  7. Arthurine
    • Origin:

      Feminine form of Arthur, Celtic
    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      If you're looking for a girl's name that honors an ancestral Arthur, try Artis.
  8. Augustina
    • Origin:

      Feminine variation of Augustus, Latin
    • Meaning:

      "the exalted one"
    • Description:

      While Augusta is the more traditional feminine form of the name, tacking on the -ina ending makes Augustina more feminine and contemporary sounding.
  9. Augustine
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "great, magnificent"
    • Description:

      Augustine is more substantial (and saintly) than August, less pretentious than Augustus, and, along with its nickname Gus, is definitely a viable choice.
  10. Augustine
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "great, magnificent"
    • Description:

      The feminine form of German and French name Augustin, ultimately derived from Latin Augustus. Names with the -ine ending are considered chic in France at the moment; Augustine re-entered the French top 500 in 2009 and is climbing fast.
  11. Augustus
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "great, magnificent"
    • Description:

      Parents are beginning to look at imposing, somewhat fusty-sounding names like this one with fresh eyes: they definitely make a strong statement.
  12. Aurelius
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "the golden one"
    • Description:

      Since Aurelius was given the supermodel seal of approval by Elle Macpherson, it has joined Augustus as an ancient Roman name that feels usable today. Slightly mystical and magical, Aurelius is grounded by its similarity to rising stars Aurora, Aurelia, and Atticus, and its golden aura is certainly appealing.
  13. Axel
    • Origin:

      Scandinavian variation of Absalom
    • Meaning:

      "father of peace"
    • Description:

      A classic in its native Scandinavia, Axel has a cool rock 'n' roll flavor in the US, thanks to Guns N' Roses' Axl Rose (born William). With its distinctive letter 'x', it has an effortlessly cool vibe about it, and is currently growing in popularity.
  14. Arthura
    • Barnabas
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

        "son of consolation"
      • Description:

        Barnabas, whose birth name was Joseph, was one of the earliest Christian disciples in Jerusalem, who undertook missionary journeys with Paul the Apostle, His name is a bit Old World compared to the update Barnaby, but could gain some attention as boys' names ending in 's' are enjoying a comeback.
    • Barnaby
      • Origin:

        English variation of Barnabas, Aramaic
      • Meaning:

        "son of consolation"
      • Description:

        Barnaby, a genial and energetic name with an Irish-sounding three-syllable lilt, is an ancient appellation that manages to be both unusual and highly attractive and deserves to be used more than it is. A sweet-spot name that's a real winner.
    • Beatrix
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

        "she who brings happiness; blessed"
      • Description:

        Beatrix has a solid history of its own apart from Beatrice, with that final x adding a playful, animated note to the name's imposing history and stately vibe.
    • Beryl
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

        "sea-green jewel"
      • Description:

        Dated British favorite that never caught on in this country, where Jade remains the green gem of choice. Interesting namesakes: British writer Beryl Bainbridge and British aviatrix Beryl Markham.
    • Bethelda
      • Calvin
        • Origin:

        • Meaning:

          "bald, hairless"
        • Description:

          Calvin is a slightly quirky but cozy name that has a fashion edge thanks to Calvin Klein. It has been steadily on the popularity list since records were kept, never lower than Number 250, peaking in the 1920s, the era of the Calvin (originally John Calvin ) Coolidge presidency.