boy faves

  1. Bram
    • Origin:

      Dutch variation of Abraham
    • Meaning:

      "father of multitudes"
    • Description:

      Bram has an unusual measure of character and charm for a one-syllable name; it started as a hipper-than-Abe diminutive of the biblical Abraham, but is also an independent Irish and Dutch name, made famous by Irish-born Dracula creator Bram (nee Abraham) Stoker. Bram is currently Number 16 in the Netherlands; Bram Howard was a character on The West Wing.
  2. Cliff
    • Origin:

      Topographical name or short form of Clifford or Clifton
    • Description:

      Cliff is a familiar, timeless short form -- never too popular, yet widely known -- that you might also think of as a geographical name ala Vale or Field.
  3. Renn
    • Rolfe
      • Rome
        • Origin:

          Place name, Latin, Greek
        • Meaning:

          "to hurry or flow; strength"
        • Description:

          Given that Rome is arguably the most important city in European history, it has been used as a first name remarkably little. However, with Roman in the Top 100 and one-syllable choices in vogue, it was only a matter of time before parents started looking toward the city's name as a potential baby name.
      • Rook
        • Origin:

          English nature name, Persian
        • Meaning:

          "crow; chariot"
        • Description:

          Rook is a choose-your-own-adventure type of name. It has so many meanings and associations, that you have the freedom of choice to decide what resonates with you.
      • Rowe
        • Thad
          • Origin:

            Short form of Thaddeus or variation of Tad
          • Description:

            Thad is a tad too slight to stand alone as a name, though as a short form of the imposing Thaddeus it's as serviceable as Ted or Ed.
        • Zeph
          • Origin:

            Hebrew or Greek
          • Description:

            Cool and breezy short form for names like Zephyr, Zephram, Zephaniel or Zephaniah.