Name like a local - Atlanta

  1. Akira
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "bright, intelligent"
    • Description:

      A popular Japanese name for both sexes that's migrated to the West because of its appearance in manga and video games.
  2. Aloe
    • Origin:

      Plant name from Greek
    • Meaning:

  3. Arch
    • Origin:

      Diminutive of Archibald, Teutonic
    • Meaning:

      "truly brave"
    • Description:

      Arch can be used as a nickname for Archibald or a stand-alone word name — perhaps for the child of an architect.
  4. Arrow
    • Origin:

      Word name
    • Description:

      Words are not always easy to translate into baby names, but the implications of being straight and swift lend this one great potential as a name. It also has the popular o-sound ending, which brings it further into the realm of possibility. Rising rock star Aja Volkman pulled a gender switch when she named her daughter Arrow Eve.
  5. Bliss
    • Origin:

      English word name
    • Description:

      A sweet, uplifting and still fairly uncommon modern virtue name. Its single syllable makes it especially good as a middle name, but it would also make a big impact in the first spot.
  6. Brave
    • Origin:

      English word name
    • Description:

      Not for the faint of the baby-naming heart. We also like Brave as a middle name.
  7. Cherish
    • Origin:

      English word name
    • Description:

      So sweet it makes our teeth hurt. It has appeared in the US Top 1000 every year since 2006, though it dropped a significant 136 places from 2014 to 2015, and kept dropping to Number 974 in 2016.
  8. Clarity
    • Origin:

      English virtue name
    • Meaning:

      "the quality of being clear"
    • Description:

      Clarity is one of the lightest of the newly rediscovered virtue names, with a bit of three-syllable sparkle, old-fashioned charm and a clear vision for the future. Clarity is a very desirable quality in this confusing world and it also, unlike some other newly coined word names, has real meaning and history as a name.
  9. Creedence
    • Essence
      • Origin:

        English word name
      • Meaning:

        "the most significant element of a thing or person"
      • Description:

        Heavily perfumed word name that peaked a few years ago.
    • Eternity
      • Origin:

        Word name
      • Description:

        Might have a shot as a name, à la Genesis and Destiny, if it weren't for yet another perfume connection.
    • Everest
      • Origin:

        Place-name, world's tallest mountain
      • Meaning:

        "from Évreux"
      • Description:

        This twist on the popular Everett takes it to lofty heights and gives it a geographical and nature-inspired link. The snow-capped Everest could make a name that stands out without feeling too out there, and it may be seen more often in the classroom (that is, outside of the textbooks) in coming years.
    • Given
      • Haniyah
        • Origin:

        • Meaning:

        • Description:

          Variant of Haniya
      • Horizon
        • Origin:

          Word name
        • Description:

          A name with vision.
      • Inaya
        • Origin:

          Arabic, Bengali and Urdu
        • Meaning:

          "care, concern"
        • Description:

          Inaya is a soft and expressive name that derives from the Arabic word "inayah", meaning "care, concern, help". It is an indirect Qur'anic name, and the strictly feminine form of the unisex Inayat.
      • Kendry
        • Origin:

        • Meaning:

          "wise man"
        • Description:

          How often do you see a name from Madagascar that is so wearable in English? Kendry has a great meaning to boot and is possibly a great name for a Christmas baby. What's not to love?
      • Kerani
        • Origin:

        • Meaning:

          "sacred bells"
        • Description:

          Kerani is a lovely Indo-Pakistani name that could be seen as the Karen of the multicultural future.
      • Kindred
        • Origin:

          English word name
        • Meaning:

          "family; connectedness"
        • Description:

          This unusual English word name and surname was the middle name of American sci-fi writer Philip K. Dick, after his mother's maiden name. Its striking sound and appealing meaning make it a promising virtue name possibility for either gender.
      • Lively
        • Origin:

          English word name
        • Meaning:

          "full of life, energy"
        • Description:

          Spirited and sassy, Lively could be a feminine leaning counterpart to the trending boy name Wilder. A modern virtue of sorts, it has more energy that Patience, Prudence, and Temperance, and is far less popular than Hope or Grace.