names that mean artist

  1. Artist
    • Origin:

      English occupational name
    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Artist is one of many occupational words newly adopted as first names. Now gender-neutral, Artist appeared first for boys and now is given to about 20 percent girls. A name that is sure to spark discussion and may prove inspirational.
  2. Braque
    • Origin:

      Artist name
    • Description:

      A strikingly creative and unique name well worth considering, recalling the great cubist paintings of Georges Braque.
  3. Cezanne
    • Origin:

      Artist surname
    • Description:

      Paul Cézanne was a French post-Impressionist painter whose intriguing surname is of uncertain origin, although it may be related to Suzanne (from the Hebrew Shoshana, "lily"). It has also been used as a girls' name in South Africa, due to its familiar -anne ending.
  4. Cezanne
    • Origin:

      Artist surname
    • Description:

      Paul Cézanne was a French post-Impressionist painter whose intriguing surname is of uncertain origin, although it may be related to Suzanne (from the Hebrew Shoshana, "lily"). It has been used as a girls' name in South Africa, due to its familiar -anne ending.
  5. Cézanne
    • Origin:

      Artist name
    • Description:

      The last syllable being a female name makes the surname of the great French postimpressionist a creative natural for a girl.
  6. Daumier
    • Origin:

      French artist name
    • Description:

      If you're seeking a French artist name that goes beyond Monet and Manet, Daumier -- known for his revealing caricatures -- makes a rich, sophisticated choice.
  7. Degory
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "lost one"
    • Description:

      One of the less common names that came over on the Mayflower, albeit, one with modern potential.
  8. Diggory
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "Lost one"
    • Description:

      This buoyant name has the same bouncy rhythm as Rafferty and Barnaby, but is virtually unused. It has plenty of literary cred, too: characters in The Chronicles of Narnia, Harry Potter and Thomas Hardy’s The Return of the Native have all borne the name.
  9. Digory
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "lost one"
    • Description:

      Digory is the name of a character in a romantic poem from the Middle Ages as well as from The Chronicles of Narnia, also known as The Professor. There's a Harry Potter character named Diggory.
  10. Goya
    • Origin:

      Artist name
    • Description:

      Passion for the Spanish painter Goya may transcend the difficulty of this name -- just don't say it in a Jewish community.
  11. Klee
    • Origin:

      German and Jewish surname
    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      The whimsical quality of the work of Swiss artist Paul Klee is somehow reflected in his name, although many would mispronounce it to rhyme with key. Say it like clay.
  12. Klee
    • Origin:

      German and Jewish surname
    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      The whimsical quality of the work of Swiss artist Paul Klee is somehow reflected in his name, although many would mispronounce it to rhyme with key. Say it like clay.
  13. Maillol
    • Origin:

      Artist name
    • Description:

      Aristide Maillol was a French sculptor whose last name might be translated as a first.
  14. Maillol
    • Origin:

      Artist name
    • Description:

      Aristide Maillol was a French painter and sculptor whose last name might be translated as a first.
  15. Manet
    • Origin:

      French artist name
    • Description:

      Manet is the accessible, attractive name of an Impressionist great; it could be the next Monet.
  16. Manzu
    • Origin:

      Italian artist name
    • Description:

      Could make a singularly creative choice inspired by modern Italian sculptor Giacomo Manzù.
  17. Miró
    • Origin:

      Spanish artist name
    • Description:

      Unique option honoring Spanish surrealist painter Joan Miró. Could have some pronunciation problems, but preferable to calling your little boy Joan.
  18. Miró
    • Origin:

      Spanish artist name
    • Description:

      If you love the colorful works of the Spanish abstractionist.
  19. Monet
    • Origin:

      French artist name, from diminutive of Simon
    • Description:

      A new favorite of the bohemian set, brought to light by actress Monet Mazur, daughter of the artist who designed the Rolling Stones' mouth logo.
  20. Morandi
    • Origin:

      Italian artist name
    • Description:

      The last name of the twentieth-century Italian painter of quietly expressive still lifes presents an artistic possibility. Can absolutely work for girls too.