My Female Character Names

  1. Ace
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "one, unity"
    • Description:

      Ace is a retro nickname most often used for boys, as in Ace Ventura. While some celebrities have adopted it for their sons, there's nothing that makes this name exclusively male.
  2. Aerin
    • Origin:

      Tolkien Middle Earth invention, or variation of Erin
    • Description:

      In Tolkien's world, the derivation of this airy name is Elvish. Regular folks might consider it an artsier form of Erin, borne by cosmetics heiress and socialite Aerin Lauder.
  3. Akita
    • Origin:

      Japanese place name
    • Meaning:

      "field of rice"
    • Description:

      Also a dog breed
  4. Amber
    • Origin:

      Word name, English
    • Description:

      Though perhaps not as currently stylish as Ruby, Jade, or Pearl, Amber has a colorful history (remember the notorious Forever Amber heroine?). Unfortunately, it does come with the "Amber Alert" connotation for modern parents (and their children).
  5. Anais
    • Origin:

      Catalan and Provencal pet form of Hebrew Anna
    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Anais is an unusual, alluring name forever attached to the daring French-born American novelist and diarist Anais Nin (born Angela, with Anais as one of her middle names), who became the inspiration for the naming of the daughter of musician Noel Gallagher. Anais is also the name of a popular perfume.
  6. Anima
    • Origin:

      Latin; Sanskrit
    • Meaning:

      "soul; tiny"
    • Description:

      Anima is a name that could work in so many languages, blessed as it is with easy spelling and pronunciation. It works equally well in the East and in the West, as its roots can either come from Latin, where it means "soul", or from Sanskrit, where it means "minute, tiny".
  7. Anise
    • Origin:

      Nature name
    • Description:

      Name of the licorice plant, this spice comes in the shape of a star, giving this name an extra level of sweetness.
  8. Anouk
    • Origin:

      Dutch and French variation of Anna
    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Anouk, made famous by French actress Anouk Aimée, is a singular name with a lovely sound and a Bohemian feel. Anouk Aimée was born as Francoise, but adopted the first name of the character she played in her debut film.
  9. Apricity
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "the warmth of the sun in winter"
    • Description:

      Part-April, part-Felicity, but with the wonderfully whimsical feel of Serendipity. Apricity debuted in the US charts for the first time in 2022.
  10. Araceli
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "altar of the sky"
    • Description:

      Once-obscure Spanish name inching back up into the US Top 1000 girl names after a short break. Araceli Segarra is a noted mountain climber.
  11. Arcana
    • Origin:

      word name
    • Description:

      This name has many different connotations, from Tarot cards to a species of butterfly. It is related to the English word arcane, which means esoteric, mysterious, enigmatic.
  12. Arden
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "valley of the eagle; high"
    • Description:

      Arden, the name of the magical forest in Shakespeare's As You Like It, is a stylish A name with a strong, straightforward image. Another reason to love Arden: its similarity to "ardent." Arden is solidly unisex, with the current gender distribution running about 60 percent girls and 40 percent boys.
  13. Arrow
    • Origin:

      Word name
    • Description:

      Names that have not historically been names are not intrinsically gendered, so though we originally pinned Arrow as a boys' name, both starbaby Arrows that have been born recently have been girls. And with Arrow given to 60 girls in the US in 2015 and 94 boys, we call that a pretty decidedly gender neutral name. With its forward-moving, true-landing imagery, Arrow is one of the new inspirational names.
  14. Ash
    • Origin:

      Diminutive of Ashley, English
    • Meaning:

      "ash tree"
    • Description:

      Ash is a gender-neutral choice that calls to mind the '80s favorite: Ashley. But view it as a nature name -- as in the tree, not the charred bit of soot in the fireplace -- and it makes a cool choice that fits with today's trends.
  15. Ashling
    • Atlas
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

        "bearer of the heavens"
      • Description:

        While Atlas is a decidedly male god and this name is in the US Top 300 for boys, it is used for an increasingly significant number of baby girls in the US. And undeniably, it's a name that imparts strength to any child.
    • Auriel
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

      • Description:

        Auriel is a Roman name that was revived during the nineteenth-century craze for unique names. Could make an interesting substitution for the popular Aurora or Ariel.
    • Ayla
      • Origin:

        Hebrew, or Turkish
      • Meaning:

        "oak tree, or halo, moonlight"
      • Description:

        Bright, fresh, and sunny, Ayla is a fashionable choice for girls. Reminiscent of other trending names such as Layla, Isla, and Ava, Ayla has recently found its place in the Top 100.
    • Aysel
      • Origin:

        Turkish; Azerbaijani
      • Meaning:

        "moon flood"
      • Description:

        A pretty Turkish name popular in the 1980s and 90s, with the wonderfully evocative meaning of "moon flood".
    • Azura