RWBY Team Names

These are potential team names for the show RWBY. Team names must either be a color, associated with a color, or brings a color to mind. They are four letter abbreviation of the name of the team. Each letter is the first letter of the names of the team members. Therefore, many of these aren't real names but! Still wanted a place to put them since they are names... technically.
  1. ACID
    • AERO
      • ALMN
        • AMBR
          • AMST
            • AMZN
              • ANGL
                • APCT
                  • APPL
                    • AQUA
                      • Army
                        • Origin:

                          Word name or variation of Armie, English from French
                        • Meaning:

                          "military land force; soldier"
                        • Description:

                          A patriotic spin on Armie, with roughly the same meaning whether you consider it a variation or a totally separate word name.
                      • ARTC
                        • ASHI
                          • ASHN
                            • ASPN
                              • ATMN
                                • AURA
                                  • AURL
                                    • AVCD
                                      • AZRE