My Exotic Babynames

  1. Coco
    • Origin:

      Spanish and French pet name
    • Description:

      Coco came to prominence as the nickname of the legendary French designer Chanel (born Gabrielle) and has lately become a starbaby favorite, initially chosen by Courteney Cox for her daughter Coco Riley in 2004. At first it was the kind of name that the press loves to ridicule, but we predict Coco's heading for more broad acceptance and even popularity.
  2. Colm
    • Origin:

      Irish variation of Latin Columba
    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Colm is a popular Irish name for boys that could immigrate, especially with its peaceful meaning. Colm Toibin is a contemporary Irish novelist and critic, author of The Master and Brooklyn; Colm Meaney is an Irish actor. Pronunciation is two syllables instead of one, like Colin with an 'm' at the end. Colm is related to Columba, Colom, Colum, Callum, and Malcolm.
  3. Damian
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "to tame, subdue"
    • Description:

      Damian has sidestepped its demonic horror movie overtones, leaving a basically friendly and charming Irish image. A well-used upper-class name in England, it is growing in popularity here.
  4. Declan
    • Origin:

      Irish, meaning unknown, possible "man of prayer"
    • Meaning:

      "man of prayer"
    • Description:

      Declan is the Anglicized form of the Irish name Deaglán. St. Declan was one of the first missionaries to bring Christianity to Ireland, preceding St. Patrick. Originally from Wales, he founded the monastery of Ardmore in Ireland.
  5. Delilah
    • Origin:

      Hebrew or Arabic
    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Melodic and lively, Delilah has cut itself (mostly) free from its treacherous past to become a contemporary favorite.
  6. Dillon
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Different origin from the Welsh Dylan, but increasingly used as a variant spelling to honor Bob Dylan or Dylan Thomas. Still, the Dylan spelling is found 20 times as often as Dillon.
  7. Dylan
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "son of the sea"
    • Description:

      Dylan still feels poetic and romantic after years of popularity. It still ranks highly on the charts, among the top boy names starting with D, so if you choose it, be aware that yours may not be the only Dylan in his class.
  8. Elin
    • Origin:

      Swedish variation of Ellen
    • Description:

      The Elin variation makes an old favorite sleeker and more modern. Elin came to prominence via the ex-Mrs.Tiger Woods and is now perhaps best known via novelist Elin Hildebrand.. It entered the US Top 1000 in 2010, though it's now dropped off again.
  9. Emilio
    • Origin:

      Spanish and Italian variation of Emil
    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Dashing and suave, with a hint of poetry and gentleness, Emilio is an appealing and international choice. A solid favorite in Italy, it is also on the rise in the US, France, Austria, and the UK.
  10. Felice
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Felix is rising in the chart for boys, and its feminine variations are sure to follow. The best knows these days, thanks to the TV character, is Felicity, but there's also Felicia and Felice. Like Lucia, Felice is a name with different pronunciations depending on where it's used. The Italians pronounce it fa-LEECH-ay, but the Americanized version is feh-LEESE.
  11. Felix
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "happy, fortunate"
    • Description:

      Felix is one of those ancient but nontraditional names for boys that have come into favor over the past few decades, a favorite of parents who want a masculine name with history and heft that breaks ranks with the standard Franks and Freds. Felix is also an international darling, ranking in the Top 100 in several European and English-speaking countries.
  12. Feline
    • Gabriel
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

        "God is my strength"
      • Description:

        Gabriel has become a biblical favorite, an angelic choice that's lighter and less patriarchal than some of his Old Testament brethren. Derived from the Hebrew name Gavri’el, Gabriel is taken from the elements gever, meaning "strong," and ’el, in reference to God.
    • Gioia
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

      • Description:

        Prettier than Joy and just beginning to be used here.
    • Gus
      • Origin:

        Diminutive of Augustus, Angus, Gustave, Augustin, Augusten, Augustine, August
      • Description:

        Gus is a homey grandpa nickname name that can work as a short form for any of the above or stand on its own as a cutting-edge replacement for Max and Jake--though it was off the Top 1000 from 1978 until 2016, when it squeaked in at Number 999.
    • Havana
      • Origin:

        Taíno place-name
      • Description:

        Politics aside, the Cuban capital is one of the most rhythmic of place-names. The question is: can politics be put aside?
    • Hugo
      • Origin:

        Latinized form of Hugh
      • Meaning:

        "mind, intellect"
      • Description:

        Hugo, the Latin form of Hugh, has more heft and energy than the original -- and of course we love names that end (or begin, for that matter) with an o. This one is especially appealing because it's backed up by lots of solid history and European style.
    • Ines
      • Origin:

        Italian, Portuguese, Slovene and Croatian variation of Agnes
      • Meaning:

        "pure, virginal"
      • Description:

        This form of Agnes, Ines has always been popular since the true story of the thwarted lovers Queen Ines of Castro and King Peter of Portugal. This has to be one of the most heartbreaking and bloody true romances in history!
    • James
      • Origin:

        English variation of Jacob, Hebrew
      • Meaning:

      • Description:

        James is one of the classic Anglo-Saxon names, a stalwart through the ages that is more popular—and yes, stylish—than ever today. It recently came out Number 1 in a poll of America's favorite boys' baby names, and is the most common male name, counting people of all ages, in the US.
    • Jason
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

        "to heal"
      • Description:

        Jason, the Number 3 name for the entire decade of the 1970s -- thus the title of our original baby-naming book, Beyond Jennifer & Jason -- is more likely to be dad's name now than baby's, but it's still a widely used name.