Good Names for a Dog

This is a collection of names I think would be fun for a dog or similar pet!
  1. Burgundy
    • Origin:

      French place-name; also color name
    • Description:

      Ron Burgundy was Will Ferrell's fictional helmet-haired newsman, but this color name is much more suited to a girl.
  2. Caspian
    • Origin:

      Place name
    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      One of the most romantic of appellations, Caspian is a geographical name referring to the large salty sea between Asia and Europe. It's also the name of the hero of C.S. Lewis's beloved Chronicles of Narnia, Prince Caspian.
  3. Hamza
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "lion or strong"
    • Description:

      Hamza was the legendary uncle of the Prophet Muhammad, hero of The Hamzanama, the Story of Hamza.
  4. Io
    • Origin:

      Greek mythology name
    • Description:

      Io may be one of the slightest names in the book, but there aren't many two-letter names with as much substance as this Greek mythological example. Io, a name used for the largest moon of Jupiter, was in classic myth raped by Zeus and escaped from him by changing herself into a cow.
  5. Orion
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "boundary, limit"
    • Description:

      Orion is a rising star, with both mythical and celestial overtones.