Sumptuous Names

Chic with Distinct Elegance and Sophistication especially associated with excellent quality, attractive, with fashionable style or appeal.
  1. Laetitia
    • Baptiste
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

      • Description:

        Traditionally used by the ultrareligious, the French boys' name Baptiste comes from the Greek word meaning "to dip". Baptiste is one of the Top 100 Boy Names in France.
    • Brigitte
      • Origin:

        French variation of Brighid
      • Meaning:

        "strength or exalted one"
      • Description:

        Brigitte is the French version of the ancient Irish Brighid long associated with 1950s sex symbol Brigitte Bardot. If you want to pronounce Brigitte the French way, it's brih-ZHEET.
    • Carine
      • Chanel
        • Origin:

        • Meaning:

          "dweller near the canal"
        • Description:

          Fans of the classic French designer would now more fashionably choose Coco.
      • Christian
        • Francine
          • Origin:

            French diminutive pet form of Francoise
          • Meaning:

            "from France or free man"
          • Description:

            With the advent of Pope Francis, all forms of this ancient and saintly name came up for a fresh look. Along with most other -een and -ine (when pronounced like -een) names for girls, Francine has a dated midcentury Mad Men feel. But its choice for their daughter by modern glamour couple Casey Neistat and Candice Pool, respectively a video star and a jewelry designer, has made Francine chic again.
        • Inez
          • Origin:

            Spanish variation of Agnes
          • Meaning:

            "pure, virginal"
          • Description:

            Also spelled Ines, this name of the prudish mother of Don Juan in the Byron poem has a touch of mystery, but has also been fully integrated into the American name pool.
        • Isabella
          • Origin:

            Spanish and Italian variation of Elizabeth, Hebrew
          • Meaning:

            "pledged to God"
          • Description:

            Isabella has been a Top 10 name for girls in the US for two decades now. The Latinate form of Isabel, a variation of Elizabeth which originally derived from the Hebrew name Elisheba, Isabella reigned as Number 1 in 2009 and 2010.
        • Juliette
          • Origin:

            French from Latin
          • Meaning:

            "little Julia"
          • Description:

            Juliette, pronounced with the emphasis on the last syllable, adds a little something extra to Juliet. In the past years it has been rising up the chart.
        • Lemuel
          • Origin:

          • Meaning:

            "devoted to God"
          • Description:

            Lemuel is a neglected Old Testament name, with the friendly nickname Lem, that we're surprised hasn't been picked up on by parents who have known too many Samuels.
        • Louisa
          • Origin:

            Latinate feminine variation of Louis
          • Meaning:

            "renowned warrior"
          • Description:

            Louisa, a quaint but strongvintage name, is an example of the idea that these days, old-style girls’ names are more fashionable when they end with an a rather than with an e, as in Julie/Julia, Diane/Diana. So for the next generation, Louisa may rise again, especially with the growing popularity of other Lou/Lu-starting names, like Lucy and Luna. Louisa reentered the US Top 1000 in 2014 after a 45 year absence.
        • Lucia
          • Origin:

            Italian, feminine variation of Lucius, Latin
          • Meaning:

          • Description:

            Lucia is a lush, rich Latinate equivalent of Lucy, popular in Spain and throughout Latin America and also a cross-cultural favorite. You might be surprised to know that Lucia has ALWAYS ranked among the Top 1000 girl names in the US, though she's really taken off only since the turn of this century.
        • Maxfield
          • Origin:

          • Meaning:

            "Mac's field"
          • Description:

            This name may be related to the Latin Maximus, which means "the greatest," or to a British landowner's name, but for most modern parents, it's one of several ways to get to short form Max.
        • Vanessa
          • Origin:

            Literary invention; also a species of butterfly
          • Description:

            Vanessa was invented by writer Jonathan Swift for a lover named Esther Vanhomrigh—he combined the first syllable of her last name with the initial syllable of her first. Swift used it in the poem Cadenus and Vanessa in 1713. A century later, Johan Christian Fabricius used Vanessa as the name of a genus of butterfly.