moth's wings

  1. Renata
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Widely used across Europe as a common baptismal name symbolizing spiritual rebirth, Renata, in this country it has an operatic image via Italian-born divas Renata Tebadi and Renata Scotti.
  2. Romy
    • Origin:

      Diminutive of Rosemary, Roma, Romana, Romilly etc.
    • Description:

      Austrian actress Romy Schneider seemed to be the singular bearer of this international nickname name until it found new style currency in the past decade.
  3. Roslyn
    • Origin:

      Spelling variation of Rosalind
    • Description:

      Spelling variations abound when a name is trendy, which Rosalind is not these days. We say leave Roslyn back in the middle of the 20th century and reclaim the original Rosalind.
  4. Rowena
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "white spear or famous friend"
    • Description:

      A fabled storybook name via the heroine of Sir Walter Scott's novel Ivanhoe (1819), which featured a heroine called Rowena of Hargottstanstede, and also a Harry Potter name, as Rowena Ravenclaw, founder of one of the Hogwarts houses..
  5. Saffron
    • Origin:

      Spice name
    • Description:

      Spice names are increasingly appealing to the senses of prospective parents; this one, belonging to a precious spice derived from the crocus has a vaguely orange-scented-incense sixties feel.
  6. Seraphina
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "ardent; fiery"
    • Description:

      Seraphina is one of the most-searched name on Nameberry, destined for even greater popularity. The highest-ranking angels, the six-winged seraphim, inspired the lovely name Seraphina.
  7. Silvia
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "from the woods"
    • Description:

      This original form of the name -- the more familiar Sylvia spelling came later -- seems more modern now.
  8. Stella
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Stella is a name with star quality and sparkle, that manages to sound both ethereal and earthy. Celestial but not otherworldly, it lands somewhere between the popular Ella and bold Seraphina.
  9. Sylvie
    • Origin:

      French variation of Latin Sylvia
    • Meaning:

      "from the forest"
    • Description:

      Although Sylvia seems to be having somewhat of a revival among trendsetting baby namers, we'd still opt for the even gentler and more unusual Sylvie. Despite being dated in its native France (where it was popular during the 1950s and 60s), in English-speaking regions it still feels fresh and international without being unfamiliar and has a cosmopolitan, international air. It debuted on the US Top 1000 in 2016.
  10. Thalassa
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "the sea"
    • Description:

      A pretty, rarely used Greek name, Thalassa is the ancient personification of the sea, particularly the Mediterranean, who is sometimes considered the mother of Aphrodite. In 1991, a newly discovered moon of Neptune was dubbed Thalassa.
  11. Thalia
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "to flourish"
    • Description:

      Thalia was one of the Three Graces in Greek mythology, and also the Muse of comedy and pastoral poetry, making this a Hellenic choice worthy of consideration.
  12. Veronica
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "she who brings victory; true image"
    • Description:

      The name Veronica projects a triple-threat image: at once saintly, sensuous, and strong. The name derives from Berenice, the Latin form of the Greek name Berenike "she who brings victory", with the spelling influenced by the Latin phrase vera icon "true image". Veronica was the name of the compassionate woman who wiped Jesus's face when he was on his way to Calvary and whose cloth was miraculously imprinted with his image: she is now the patron saint of photographers.
  13. Viviana
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Lively and rhythmic version of Vivian heard in Italy and Spain. Viviana is right on trend today, fitting in with other frilly, girly favorites like Isabella, Eliana, and Ariana. It may also be spelled as Bibiana. A fast rising names of 2023, Viviana has been in the US Top 500 since the 2000s.
  14. Winona
    • Origin:

      Sioux Indian
    • Meaning:

      "firstborn daughter"
    • Description:

      Rode two rockets to fame, with actress Winona Ryder and singer Wynonna Judd. Winona entered the Top 1000 for the first time since 1957 this past year in 2022, following in the footsteps of trending short form Winnie.
  15. Xanthe
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "golden, yellow"
    • Description:

      X marks the spot in names these days, usually at the middles or ends of names, but here is one that puts it squarely up front.
  16. Yolanda
    • Origin:

      Spanish from Greek
    • Meaning:

      "violet flower"
    • Description:

      Bold and distinctive, Yolanda is a floral name that doesn't sound frilly or delicate. Ultimately deriving from the Greek words ioles meaning "violet" and anthos meaning "flower", it appears in a variety of forms internationally, including Jolanda, Jolanta, Iolanthe, Iolanta, Iolanda, and Jolana.