-Lyn Girl Names

Girl names that end in the suffix -lyn. Over half of these I wouldn't pick for my own kid, but you do you. Many of these names can have their "-lyn" swapped out for a "-len" or "-line" if that's more your thing.
  1. Adalyn
    • Origin:

      Variation of Adeline
    • Meaning:

      "noble one"
    • Description:

      Adalyn is one of a large group of Ad-beginning names for girls, which include Adeline and Adalynn and Adelaide and Addison — essentially, anything leading to the popular nickname Addie is in. Adalyn is a beautiful name, but be prepared to have to spell it out for people often. Adalyn entered the charts in 2007 and rose quickly, but has been fairly steady in the mid 100s for nearly 10 years now.
  2. Ashlyn
    • Origin:

      Variation of Aislinn, Irish
    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Though it relates to the Irish original, Ashlyn and its next most popular form, Ashlynn, owe more of their popularity as baby names in the US to the megastar Ashley, though all three have been dropping on the charts lately.
  3. Brooklyn
    • Origin:

      Place-name from Dutch
    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Extreme makeover: Brooklyn has gone from jokey Borough Boy name in the 1990s to a leading girls' name starting with B. The status of New York's Brooklyn as hipster heaven is ironic as few bona fide Brooklyn hipsters would choose this name.
  4. Caelyn
    • Caitlyn
      • Origin:

        Spelling variation of Caitlin
      • Description:

        Caitlyn is following all variations on the Irish classic Caitlin down the US baby name charts, following decades of popular usage. The original Anglicized form Kathleen is now starting to feel fresher than these more modern forms.
    • Coralyn
      • Darlyn
        • Emelyn
          • Emmalyn
            • Description:

              Variation of Emma with the popular suffix -lyn.
          • Emmelyn
            • Evelyn
              • Origin:

                English from French and German
              • Meaning:

                "desired; or water, island"
              • Description:

                After decades of disuse, soft and feminine Evelyn has returned to the baby name stage in a huge way. It reached the Top 10 for the first time in 2017. Evelyn has now surpassed its former heights, joining a legion of contemporary little Evas, Avas, Eves, Evies, and Evelines.
            • Evilyn
              • Falyn
                • Gracelyn
                  • Origin:

                    Modern invented name, combination of Grace and Lyn
                  • Meaning:

                    "graceful + lake; pretty"
                  • Description:

                    This name is a combination of the traditional Grace and the popular suffix -lyn. Gracelyn could work as an alternative to the popular Brooklyn while also sharing the modern feel of Emberlynn and Oaklyn.
                • Helyn
                  • Jackelyn
                    • Jacklyn
                      • Jacquelyn
                        • Jaelyn
                          • Origin:

                            Modern invented name
                          • Description:

                            Jaelyn is a name popular in many spellings and variations, including Jaelynn, Jaylin, and Jalen, and used for girls as well as boys.
                        • Jaslyn