WoW World of Warcraft Character & Place Names
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World of Warcraft people, places & even some items thrown in there.
- Aethas
- Alexstrasza
- Alleria
- Anduin
- Anessa
- Arthas
- Askara
- August Celestials
- Baine
- Brann Bronzebeard
- Broll Bearmantle
- Cavindra
- Cenarius
- Chen Stormstout
- Darius
Latin, Greek, PersianMeaning:
"possessing goodness"Description:
Darius is a historic name via Emperor Darius the Great, a key figure in ancient Persian history, and several other Persian kings. His name today has an appealingly artistic image, which might well be found on a concert program or gallery announcement.
- Dawnsaber
- Desdel Stareye
- Draka
- Dreamleaf
- Durotan