Travel/Adventure Names

  1. Arcadia
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "region offering peace and contentment"
    • Description:

      Arcadia, a name for an unspoiled paradise, makes an attractive secular alternative to Nevaeh or Eden. For parents who want an unusual name with a friendlier nickname, Arcadia has the advantage of cute Cady.
  2. Atlas
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "bearer of the heavens"
    • Description:

      Atlas is one of those names that was previously thought too powerful for a baby boy, who would have to be strong enough to carry the world on his shoulders. Now Atlas has joined the pantheon of Greek and Roman god and goddess names in the realm of possibility, along with Mars, Zeus and Apollo.
  3. Avalon
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "island of apples"
    • Description:

      Avalon, an island paradise of Celtic myth and Arthurian legend--it was where King Arthur was taken to recover from his wounds-- and also the colorful capital of the California island of Catalina-- makes a heavenly first name. Actress Rena Sofer and British musician Julian Cope used it for their daughters.
  4. Avon
    • Avenue
      • Boldness
        • Brave
          • Conlan
            • Origin:

            • Meaning:

            • Description:

              An undiscovered Irish surname with a cool meaning. It could work as an alternative to Connor and Lachlan.
          • Danube
            • Origin:

              River name
            • Description:

              Some parents are turning to rivers and other bodies of water in the search for undiscovered place-names, and this has the feel of a Viennese waltz.
          • Devon
            • Origin:

              English place-name
            • Description:

              This spelling of Devon, as opposed to Devin or Devan, makes it a pretty and popular British place-name, evoking the beautiful county of farmlands and dramatic seascapes and moors in southwest England. A stylish ambi-gender name particularly well used in the early nineties, Devon remains an attractive option--though be aware that at this point in time, it is used more frequently for boys.
          • Dover
            • Origin:

              British place-name
            • Description:

              Two-syllable place-names are stylish, and this one is attached to a British city noted for its white chalk cliffs, but there are a couple of minuses: associated with the fish, Dover sole, and also rhymes with the doggy Rover.
          • Daring
            • Earhart
              • Origin:

                German surname
              • Meaning:

                "honor, bravery"
              • Description:

                Conceivable middle name choice for admirers of flyer Amelia.
            • Eden
              • Origin:

              • Meaning:

                "place of pleasure, delight"
              • Description:

                Eden is an attractive, serene name with obvious intimations of Paradise, one of several place names drawn from the Bible by the Puritans in the seventeenth century.
            • Elodie
              • Origin:

                French, variation of Alodia, German
              • Meaning:

                "foreign riches"
              • Description:

                The lyrical and melodious Elodie, a Nameberry favorite, is starting to rise through the US popularity charts for the first time since the 1880s. It's a uncommon member of the trending El- family of names, which includes Ella, Eloise, and Eleanor.
            • England
              • Origin:

              • Description:

                Most parents would prefer London for their daughters.
            • Everest
              • Origin:

                Place-name, world's tallest mountain
              • Meaning:

                "from Évreux"
              • Description:

                This twist on the popular Everett takes it to lofty heights and gives it a geographical and nature-inspired link. The snow-capped Everest could make a name that stands out without feeling too out there, and it may be seen more often in the classroom (that is, outside of the textbooks) in coming years.
            • Florence
              • Origin:

              • Meaning:

                "flourishing, prosperous"
              • Description:

                Florence is back, returning to the US Top 1000 girl names in 2017 after a nearly 40 year absence. Other English-speaking countries have been quicker to welcome Florence back into fashion.
            • Gallant
              • Gypsy