Happy Girls

  1. Autumn
    • Origin:

      Season name
    • Description:

      Crisp and colorful, Autumn is the most popular season name now -- the only one in the Top 100 in recent years -- with Autumn's coolness only surpassed by Winter. Jennifer Love Hewitt named her daughter Autumn James.
  2. Jenny
    • Origin:

      Diminutive of Janet, Jane, Jean, and Jennifer
    • Description:

      At the height of the Jennifer craze, many parents were cutting straight to the nickname and putting Jenny on the birth certificate. But now that Jennifer is the mom rather than the daughter, Jenny, which has been somewhat replaced by Jenna, has faded as well.
  3. Summer
    • Origin:

      Word name
    • Description:

      The temperature is definitely rising for this popular seasonal name, which began being used in the seventies, and has been heard consistently ever since.
  4. Sunny
    • Origin:

      English nickname
    • Description:

      Upbeat nickname-name that can't help but make you smile. You might want to use it as a short form for a more "serious" name such as Sunniva, but Sunny is undeniably, well, sunny.
  5. Susannah
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Susannah is by far the most stylish form of the classic name now that Susan and Suzanne have retired. Susannah has biblical and musical pedigrees, is impervious to trends, and has an irresistible, flowing rhythm. It can be spelled just as properly with or without the final 'h.'
  6. Suzanna
    • Origin:

      Variation of Susanna
    • Description:

      Part Susanna, part Suzanne, Suzanna is a smidge less attractive than either of those classic options but still carries some appeal. But you (and your child) WILL be spelling it forever.
  7. Suzey