M Names - alphabetical

  1. Maggie
    • Origin:

      Diminutive of Margaret
    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Maggie is a cute, earthy short form that has been in style for several decades now, still sometimes used as an independent name by such parents as Jon Stewart. First used in Scotland, it got a large bump in popularity via the 1971 Rod Stewart hit song "Maggie May." Today's Maggie might just as well be short for a more adventurous name such as Magdalena or Magnolia as for the classic Margaret.

      Maggie Gyllenhaal was born Margaret.

  2. Marky
    • Marty
      • Origin:

        Short form of Martin, Latin
      • Meaning:

      • Description:

        Marty is one of those Old Man nicknames that's just starting to sound cute again.
    • Max
      • Origin:

        English and German diminutive of Maximilian or Maxwell
      • Meaning:

      • Description:

        Max was derived from Maximilian, a Latin name that originated from the Roman family name Maximus. The character name Max in the children's classic Where the Wild Things Are had an impact on baby namers. Max is a widely used name internationally.
    • Myka
      • Maggie-Jayne