Popular Nicknames
- Charley
Short form of Charles, FrenchMeaning:
"free man"Description:
Charley is, at this point, an old-fashioned spelling for the most popular short form of Charles, better known these days as Charlie. But Charley is a classic and relates more directly to Charles.
- Rob
English, diminutive of RobertMeaning:
"bright fame"Description:
Rob has claimed Bob's turf.
- Missy
English, diminutive of MelissaDescription:
A name that works until your daughter is, say, six.
- Cass
Diminutive of Cassandra or Cassia, GreekMeaning:
"shining or excelling man; cinnamon"Description:
Ties to the unfortunate Mama are now unraveling, leaving Cass or Cassie to stand on its own as a fresher sounding Cathy or Kate. With gender-neutral names abound and the growing trend of boyish nicknames for girls, Cass may be on the up and up.
- Cory
Variation of Corey or short form of any Cor-beginning nameDescription:
This Corey variation is getting a fresh shot of style juice thanks to young It Girl Cory Kennedy (not to be confused with RFK daughter, filmmaker Rory Kennedy).
- Sammi