Fruit Baby Names

Fruit Baby Names

Fruit baby names have come to the fore as a new species of nature names thanks to Gwyneth Paltrow's Apple Martin. Apple is now almost grown up, but her name is still making lists of the all-time craziest celebrity baby names.

More common fruit names for babies are Clementine and Alani — a Hawaiian name that means "orange tree."

Along with Clementine and Alani, other fruit names for babies in the US Top 1000 include Bethany, Olive, Oliver, and Olivia.

Rare fruit baby names we recommend include Avalon, Mirabelle, Plum, and Fraser, which is a top name for boys in Scotland.

Whether you prefer an in-your-face fruit name such as Apple or a name with a subtle fruit meaning, you can find them all on this list. Explore our menu of today's possible fruit baby names, ordered by their current rank on Nameberry.


Unique Names

Food Names for Babies

  1. Oliver
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "olive tree or elf army"
    • Description:

      Oliver is an international star, ranking near the top of the charts in the US and throughout the English-speaking world, along with a host of European and Latin American countries, from Norway to Chile, Slovenia to Switzerland.
  2. Olivia
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "olive tree"
    • Description:

      Olivia, a lovely Shakespearean name with an admirable balance of strength and femininity, is the Number 1 name for baby girls in the US and one of the top girls' names around the world.
  3. Clementine
    • Origin:

      French feminine version of Clement, Latin
    • Meaning:

      "mild, merciful"
    • Description:

      Clementine is a Nameberry favorite that broke back into the US Top 1000 in 2014 after more than half a century off the list.
  4. Olive
    • Origin:

      English, from Latin, nature name
    • Meaning:

      "olive tree"
    • Description:

      Though greatly overshadowed by the trendy Olivia, Olive has a quiet, subtle appeal of its own -- and is now enjoying a remarkable comeback. Olive is one of only four girl names starting with O on the US Top 1000. Cool couple Isla Fisher and Sacha Baron Cohen chose it for their daughter, reviving the name to stylishness, and now Drew Barrymore has a little Olive too, as has country singer Jake Owen.
  5. Linnea
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "twinflower, lime tree"
    • Description:

      Linnea is an attractive Scandinavian name that derives from the renowned 18th century Swedish botanist Carl Linnaeus, who developed the Linnean system of classifying plants and animals.
  6. Avalon
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "island of apples"
    • Description:

      Avalon, an island paradise of Celtic myth and Arthurian legend--it was where King Arthur was taken to recover from his wounds-- and also the colorful capital of the California island of Catalina-- makes a heavenly first name. Actress Rena Sofer and British musician Julian Cope used it for their daughters.
  7. Bethany
    • Origin:

      Biblical place name and Hebrew
    • Meaning:

      "house of figs"
    • Description:

      Bethany is a lyrical name that still strikes many parents as a fresher, more substantial substitute for the overused Brittany/Brittney or the more antiquated Beth.
  8. Cerise
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Infinitely preferable to the tease-inspiring English version of the word.
  9. Pepper
    • Origin:

      English from Latin, Sanskrit, "the pepper plant; berry"
    • Meaning:

      "the pepper plant; berry"
    • Description:

      With its bubbly sounds and stylish feel, Pepper joins a small but distinctive group of names inspired by the spice rack: Saffron, Juniper, Cassia, Sage, Ginger, and Rosemary. Enough like Pippa, Piper and Penelope that it feels usable, Pepper has appeared every year in the US stats since the 60s.
  10. Fraser
    • Origin:

      Scottish from French
    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Though TV's "Frasier" made the name famous, and Frazier is a well-used variation, Fraser is the original, used mostly in Scotland.
  11. Crispin
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Crispin, which was introduced into the mainstream by actor Crispin Glover and which means "curly-haired" in Latin, has an image very much like its first syllable: crisp, autumnal, and colorful.
  12. Tamara
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "date palm tree"
    • Description:

      Adding a final a to Tamar lends it a more sensual Slavic tone, making it a more popular choice than the original.
  13. Mirabelle
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      If you're looking for a fresher belle name than Isabelle, Mirabelle is lovely, and we also like the extra flourish of Mirabella. And if you want a nature tie, Mirabelle is also the name of a delicate French plum.
  14. Cherry
    • Origin:

      Fruit name
    • Description:

      With other fruity names like Clementine, Olive and Plum ripe for the picking, sweet Cherry remains remarkably underused: just 27 baby girls received the name in 2017, down from 343 at its peak in 1948. The unsavory slang meaning no doubt goes a long way towards explaining its fall from grace.
  15. Huckleberry
    • Origin:

      Word name and literary name
    • Description:

      Everybody knows Huckleberry Finn, the Mark Twain character named, Twain said, for the 19th century slang term for "humble." A few modern parents have put it on a birth certificate, including "Man Vs. Wild" star Bear Grylls, who, like many parents, will call the boy the much more manageable Huck. It was also the name of a child on TV's West Wing,
  16. Aeron
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Aeron was possibly a minor Celtic god of war, and is definitely a river in modern-day Wales.
  17. Melora
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "golden apple"
    • Description:

      Euphonic hybrid of the sounds of Melissa and Laura. Melora Hardin is an actress who was featured on The Office.
  18. Tamar
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "date palm tree"
    • Description:

      Tamar is a rich, strong Old Testament name sometimes given to girls born on the holiday of Sukkoth, as palm branches were used to make the roof of the sukkah. In the Bible, there are several Tamars, including a daughter of King David and also Absalom's daughter, who is praised for her 'fair countenance'.
  19. Anara
    • Origin:

      Kazakh, Persian, and Hindi
    • Meaning:

      "pomegranate flower"
    • Description:

      Anara is a name that strikes a perfect balance between simple and unusual. It's easy to understand and pronounce for a Westerner, and yet it's highly distinctive, used for only 24 girls in the US in 2021. A recommended and unusual nature option.
  20. Garnet
    • Origin:

      Jewel name, for the French
    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      One of the jewel names in use a hundred years ago, for both boys and girls, due for revival along with sisters Ruby and Pearl. But interestingly, Garnet means pomegranate, the fruit who shares a deep red color with the jewel.