Most Popular, Most Unisex Baby Names
Many unisex baby names are not truly unisex, meaning they’re used predominantly for one sex and only rarely for the other.
I’m thinking of names like Addison and Madison, which started as boys’ names but are now used nearly exclusively for girls, and names like James, in the Top 10 for boys but receiving a lot of attention as the middle name for a couple of high profile celebrity baby girls.
But which names are most evenly split between the sexes, so that they can truly be called genderless names? We analyzed all unisex names to find the most popular choices with at least a 40-60 split in either direction.
The Number 1 truly unisex name is, surprisingly, Charlie, which started as a boys’ nickname-name but is now used exactly evenly for girls and boys. Surname-names Finley and Skyler rank second and third, with word-names Justice and Royal rounding out the Top 5.
Here, the Top 50 truly androgynous baby names, with the gender split by percentage according to the most recent Social Security statistics.
Popular Unisex Names
1 Charlie, 50-50 girls-boys2 Finley, 58-42 girls-boys3 Skyler, 54-46 girls-boys4 Justice, 52-48 girls-boys5 Royal, 42-58 girls-boys6 Lennon, 50-41 girls-boys7 Oakley, 52-48 girls-boys8 Armani, 46-54 girls-boys9 Azariah, 55-45 girls-boys10 Landry, 53-47 girls-boys11 Frankie, 58-42 girls-boys12 Sidney, 56-44 girls-boys13 Denver, 40-60 girls-boys14 Robin, 58-42 girls-boys15 Campbell, 56-44 girls-boys16 Dominique, 42-58 girls-boys17 Salem, 55-45 girls-boys18 Yael, 40-60 girls-boys19 Murphy, 43-57 girls-boys20 Jael, 50-50 girls-boys21 Ramsey, 43-57 girls-boys22 Hollis, 50-50 girls-boys23 Brighton, 45-55 girls-boys24 Perry, 42-58 girls-boys25 Gentry, 53-47 girls-boys26 Jaidyn, 45-55 girls-boys27 Reilly, 50-50 girls-boys28 Jules, 55-45 girls-boys29 Kylar, 40-60 girls-boys30 Austen, 49-51 girls-boys31 Ocean, 44-56 girls-boys32 Jackie, 51-49 girls-boys33 Storm, 49-51 girls-boys34 Honor, 59-41 girls-boys35 Ryley, 57-43 girls-boys36 Marlo, 56-44 girls-boys37 Nikita, 43-57 girls-boys38 Ridley, 51-49 girls-boys39 Indiana, 53-47 girls-boys40 Taylen, 42-58 girls-boys41 Clarke, 55-45 girls-boys42 Kylin, 41-59 girls-boys43 Eastyn, 40-60 girls-boys44 Payson, 43-57 girls-boys45 Amen, 41-59 girls-boys46 Timber, 57-43 girls-boys47 Cypress, 40-60 girls-boys48 Lake, 41-59 girls-boys49 Jaziah, 41-59 girls-boys50 Dakotah, 56-44 girls-boys