Spring Babyberry Names Are Fresh and Fun
With summer knocking on the door, the latest Babyberry birth announcements are in!
These are the newest additions to the Nameberry community, announced on our forums in April and May. And just like their season of birth, these babies’ names are brimming with freshness, fun and life.
There are some seriously cool and uncommon choices among the latest picks. We’re especially excited to see the ancient Welsh royal name Gwenllian – a sister for the equally fabulous Rexford!
Sharp, punchy ancient names like Axel, Xanthe and Zephyr provide the perfect blend of history and contemporary cool.
And the sweet personal significance behind stylish choices such as Lyric, Merit and Obi is heartwarming to hear!
Here are all the beautifully named new arrivals announced by our Berry community over the last two months.
Girl Names
Brynn Caroline
“Brynn was her dad’s favorite choice of all the girl names we discussed and Caroline is after my grandmother. We love her name and it fits her perfectly!”
Gwenllian Louise, sister to Rexford Tolliver
“Nicknamed Gwen or Gwennie Lou!”
Irina Colette
Merit Elina, sister to Brody Ronald
“Over the years since having our son we had gone through some unfortunate losses and continued to have hope that one day we would have our little girl named Merit. This child who was so desperately wanted will always know her worth and even in times where the world may cause her to doubt it she will have her name to remind her.”
Xanthe Jane, sister to Eleanor Ann
“Xanthe because we love the sound of it, Jane because it ties in with our family on both sides. Once we announced the name my mum told us it was the middle name they had picked out for my brother if he’d been a girl and my MIL told us it was the name they would have used if they had had a daughter so some very happy grandparents on both sides!”
Boy Names
Humphrey Robert
“Humphrey has been a name I’ve liked for a while, partner warmed to it after we came across Huey as a potential nickname. We love it and Humphrey suits his name perfectly!”
Lyric Zephyr, brother to Sequoia Orion
“Lyric has been on my mind for a long time, I’m a songwriter and my whole family loves music and poetry. Zephyr because a capricious west wind brought me across the US from the East Coast to meet my partner and have the wonderful life we have here in the Pacific Northwest.”
Obi Axel
“I was induced to have him on May 4th, but he just didn’t want to be born on Star Wars Day. We did give him a Star Wars name though, so I hope he’ll grow up to love the franchise as much as we do. I was very sceptical to the name in the beginning, but now I can’t imagine him being named anything else. It suits him perfectly.”
Congratulations to all of our proud new parents!
If you’d like your child’s name to be featured in our next Babyberry blog post, tell us the name you chose and the story behind it over on our birth announcements forum.