Pregnancy Tips: 4 key classes to take
From pregnancy gadgets to baby names, there are a lot of things to study up on when you’re pregnant. To add to the pile of decisions, many hospitals and birthing centers offer a large selection of prenatal classes to choose from. It can be hard to decide which ones to take, and budget aside, it can be pretty time consuming to try and tackle them all. So, which ones give new parents the biggest bang for their buck? Scroll on to see what pregnancy classes are a total must.
Breastfeeding Class: This is essentially a class to teach mamas about the benefits of breastfeeding, how the milk supply works and how to actually breastfeed a baby. The class will also go over how to recognize when your baby is hungry and full, what to do if your baby won’t latch and how to manage a low milk supply. They will also go over how to hold your baby for the best feeding experience. If classes aren’t available in your area, you can learn online with organizations such as as well.
Baby Safe: The name may vary from location to location, but it’s essentially a crash course in keeping your tot safe. You’ll learn how to create a safe home for your infant, how to safely secure a baby in a car seat, infant CPR, safe sleeping techniques for newborns and more life-saving safety tips to keep your anxiety in check. Check with your hospital to see if baby safe classes are available. If you’re running short on time, you can typically find a CPR class that includes infant CPR with the American Red Cross.
Childbirth Class: This is the class that helps wrap your mind around how it’s all going to go down. Often offered in multiple time commitment options, expectant parents can choose from shorter evening classes spread over multiple weeks, one-day intensive classes and weekend-long workshops. This is the class that will cover all the basics of what to expect when the baby is coming. You’ll go over relaxation techniques and pain management, as well as when to go to the hospital. You’ll also likely watch a video or two of women giving birth.
Daddy Bootcamp: If this class is available in your hospital, birthing center or through a meetup group, encourage your partner to attend. They’ll go over baby basics like diapering and burping, but more importantly, your partner will learn about how to support you and be there for the baby through the first hazy weeks of parenthood and beyond. Check with your hospital to see if a Daddy Bootcamp class is available or search for classes in your area.
Maggie Henderson is a content marketing and advertising maven by day and a blogger by night. When she’s not window shopping online, you can find her looking for inspiration on Instagram and Pinterest, traveling to new adventures, and chasing after her dog and toddler son.