March Babyberries Welcome the Spring!
Spring has finally come to the northern hemisphere, bringing with it beautiful spring blooms – and beautiful spring baby names!
Among the stunning names announced by Nameberry members over the past month were several with sweet ties to the season, like Aviva, Ingrid, Mai/May and Nieva.
Six baby boys and seven baby girls joined the Nameberry family in March, including twin girls given the chic classic names Amelia and Eleanor. Our special congratulations go to our wonderful moderator Grace, who welcomed her second son Reuben last month.
Read more about her choice, and about all of our other March arrivals, below!
Girl Names
Amelia Jane, twin of Eleanor May
Aviva Tillie, sister to Eliza Ruth
“Aviva means springlike in Hebrew. She was born right at the cusp of spring after this long and tough winter. Tillie is in honor of her great great great grandmother Matilda on her father’s side who went by Tillie. Aviva is our breath of fresh spring air!”
Eleanor May, twin of Amelia Jane
Evaline Jane Louise, sister to Imogene Hazel May
“We’re pronouncing Evaline as ehv-uh-line, line as in the word. The choice came down to Evaline, Tabitha, and Lucinda. We couldn’t decide, so ultimately we let Imogene pick her favorite. We’re absolutely in love with her name.”
Josephine Matilda
“I’ve always loved the name Josephine, a pretty classic with a cute nickname (Josie). Over the years I’ve of course toyed with so many other names but kept coming back to this as one of my top choices and luckily hubby loved it just as much.”
Mai Ingrid Fable, sister to Arlo Stanley and Clara Ocean
“Ingrid was a nod towards my German mum, as Ingrid is popular there. Ingrid is also associated with spring as is the name Mai (from Maia) and I thought the name together sounded springlike and hopeful.”
Salem Nieva
“We chose this name for meaning ‘peace’, and ‘it snows’. Salem is easy to spell and to pronounce, recognizable without being too common. I love the witchy connotation of Salem, and Nieva is Spanish, which reflects her Mexican heritage.”
Boy Names
Edmund Michelangelo, brother to Florence Avelina
“Ned shares a birthday with one of my husband’s all time favorite artists so it only felt fitting to honor that in his middle name.”
Frederick Opel, brother to Margot Dahlia
“We chose Frederick because it met all of our many requirements (familiar name, not biblical, easily nicknamed, not a family name etc). Opel is a family name on my side that is pronounced the same as Opal.”
Marlo Gray, brother to Olive Margaret
“We quickly vetoed Chester and Ari from our list which left us choosing between Dustin and Marlo for a few days. His character seemed more fitting to the softer Marlo. Gray is a name we both love and a subtle honour to both sides of our family (last names Grey and Graham).”
Oscar Vincent, brother to Daniel Amos and Eleanor Wilde
“We went back and forth, especially with his middle name. We thought we had made the final decision, just to change it. And then again. And again. And if anyone is curious, the other middle names we were deciding between in the end were Oliver, Maverick, Peregrine and Elliot.”
Reuben Theo, brother to Owen Shepherd
“Hubs liked Reuben Forest or Reuben Gray, I liked Reuben Everett or Reuben Archer, ultimately we both liked Reuben Theo as Reuben was a little more my choice and Theo was one of Hubby’s top picks for a first name. Plus, the meaning is delightful: ‘Behold, a son’, ‘a gift from God’.”
Shiloh Moses, brother to Amaré Elyse, Job Marcellus, Sélah Carys and Boaz Apollos
“His life verse is John 1: 16-17— And of His fullness we have all received, and grace for grace. For the law was given through Moses, but grace and truth came through Jesus Christ.”
Our congratulations to all of the proud new parents!
If you’d like your child’s name to be featured in our next Babyberry blog post, tell us the name you chose and the story behind it over on our birth announcements forum. We love hearing from you!