How Does Your Own Name Affect Your Baby Name Style?

How Does Your Own Name Affect Your Baby Name Style?

The name you know best is almost certainly your own. You’ve spent your entire life hearing it, speaking it, writing it and, at least if you’re a name nerd like us, thinking about it.

That means that your feelings about your own name — whatever they are — are most likely quite set at this point. If you hate it, you’ll probably always hate it; if you love it, you’ll always love it. And those feelings have likely played a key role in shaping your attitude toward names in general.

So how does that work for you?

How do your feelings about your own name affect your baby name taste and style?

Do you resent the plainness or popularity of your name, and so tend to favor more unusual names for your kids? Has it always bothered you if people often misspell your name, leading you to pick an easy-to-spell name for your little one? Or do you, perhaps, think that your name is amazing, and want to choose one just like it for the next generation?

Tell us in the comments, or on Twitter or Facebook!

About the Author

Joe Satran

Joe Satran

Joe Satran is a name data analyst, novelist, and television writer living in Los Angeles. He has written for Nameberry since 2014. His stories and research projects have included such ground-breaking stories as The Top City Baby Names and The Decade's Hottest Baby Name Trends.