Congrats To Our Name Popularity Contest Winners!

Congrats To Our Name Popularity Contest Winners!

A couple weeks back, we asked Nameberry readers to submit their guesses for the 10 most popular baby names for boys and girls in 2017. You responded enthusiastically, with so many users posting their ideas.

When the Social Security Administration released the actual list of the year’s most popular names, it became clear that no one had gotten all 20 names right. There were too many surprises!

Many of you guessed that Olivia would become the new Number 1 girls name — but instead, Emma held onto her title. And while most people thought the boys’ winner from last year, Noah, would hold onto the top slot, it was actually claimed by Liam for the first time.

And almost no one predicted the meteoric rise of Logan — up 25 percent from the previous year — to Number 5.

So we look at all the entrants to see who guessed the most of the Top 10 for boys and girls correctly, giving extra weight to the top few slots. Two of the entrants correctly picked the Top 4 boys’ names and the Top 3 girls’ names.

Of these two, the runner up was user Sarah1800. In addition to the top few, she correctly picked that Evelyn would be the Number 9 girls’ name. She also guessed one slot high or low on Sophia, Mia and Oliver. Excellent work, Sarah1800! You were just barely beaten out by…

Our winner, Miranda T. Gamboa, username CherryBomb50, who guessed four of the girls’ top 10 and five of the boys’ top 10 correctly. Here are Miranda‘s full lists, with correct answers italicized:

Girls1. Emma2. Olivia3. Ava4. Amelia5. Sophia6. Isabella7. Mia8. Charlotte9. Abigail10. Emily

Boys1. Liam2. Noah3. William4. James5. Jacob6. Michael7. Mason8. Ethan9. Benjamin10. Elijah

In addition, Miranda was one away on Mia, Charlotte and Abigail. Overall, 17 of the names Miranda guessed made the real Top 20. Congratulations, Miranda, on your victory! Your prize, a $100 Amazon gift certificate, should be in your mailbox.

Thanks to all who entered this contest! And if you didn’t win, we hope you try again next year.

About the Author

Joe Satran

Joe Satran

Joe Satran is a name data analyst, novelist, and television writer living in Los Angeles. He has written for Nameberry since 2014. His stories and research projects have included such ground-breaking stories as The Top City Baby Names and The Decade's Hottest Baby Name Trends.