Baby Name Influencers: What name did someone else make you love?

Baby Name Influencers: What name did someone else make you love?

My friend Kim loved the name Cordelia.  This was in my pre-Nameberry days, and Cordelia‘s been off the Top 1000 since 1950: It certainly wasn’t a name that it occurred to me to love.

Still…..Cordelia.  The more I thought about it, the more I loved Cordelia.  Thanks, Kim, for the tip.

I might have liked Cordelia had I found it in a book or met someone with that name, but I believe my friend Kim‘s love for the name made me love it more.  I admire Kim‘s taste in all things, from clothes to home decor to art.  So if she loved Cordelia, I gave it more credibility as a wonderful, undiscovered name.

Other friends have influenced me to love the names Eliza and Daisy, affection I’ve passed on to the visitors of Nameberry and undoubtedly to more than a few baby girls.

What name have you come to love because a friend loved it….or even a virtual Nameberry friend?

Or maybe you read about a name here or on another blog or site and that made you fall in love….

What name did someone else make you love, who made you love it, and why?

About the Author

Pamela Redmond

Pamela Redmond

Pamela Redmond is the cocreator and CEO of Nameberry and Baby Name DNA. The coauthor of ten groundbreaking books on names, Redmond is an internationally-recognized baby name expert, quoted and published widely in such media outlets as the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, The Today Show, CNN, and the BBC. She has written about baby names for The Daily Beast, The Huffington Post, and People.

Redmond is also a New York Times bestselling novelist whose books include Younger, the basis for the hit television show, and its sequel, Older. She has three new books in the works.