
Fruit and color name

Orange Origin and Meaning

The name Orange is a boy's name .

No babies of any gender were named Orange in the US in the most recent year counted. But that doesn't mean, in this era of anything-goes baby names, that it couldn't happen.

# 765 in the US

Orange Rank in US Top 1000

20 Names Similar to Orange

These 20 names were selected by our users that were looking for other names like Orange.

Famous People Named Orange

  • Orange Salisbury Cashbirth name of Monroe Salisbury, American actor
  • William of Orange aka William IIIDutch prince who became King of England, Ireland, and Scotland

Orange in Pop Culture

  • The Annoying OrangeYoutube series starring an orange
  • "Orange Is the New Black" TV series and memoir by Piper Kerman
  • OrangeNassau, reigning house of the Netherlands (making orange the national color), founded by William of Orange
  • Orange OrderNorthern Irish Loyalist group, named after William of Orange