
Fruit and color name

Orange Origin and Meaning

The name Orange is a boy's name .

No babies of any gender were named Orange in the US in the most recent year counted. But that doesn't mean, in this era of anything-goes baby names, that it couldn't happen.

# 765 in the US

Orange Rank in US Top 1000

Famous People Named Orange

  • Orange Salisbury Cashbirth name of Monroe Salisbury, American actor
  • William of Orange aka William IIIDutch prince who became King of England, Ireland, and Scotland

Orange in Pop Culture

  • The Annoying OrangeYoutube series starring an orange
  • "Orange Is the New Black" TV series and memoir by Piper Kerman
  • OrangeNassau, reigning house of the Netherlands (making orange the national color), founded by William of Orange
  • Orange OrderNorthern Irish Loyalist group, named after William of Orange