Italian Names that Start With P

  1. Pierina
    • Po
      • Origin:

        Italian river name
      • Description:

        The good news: the Po is Italy's longest river, flowing across the north. The bad news: Po is a manic, scooter-riding red Teletubby.
    • Pasquelina
      • Patrizia
        • Origin:

          Italian variation of Patricia
        • Description:

          Elegant Italian translation.
      • Pierluigi
        • Origin:

          Italian, combination of Piero and Luigi
        • Description:

          If one Italian name won't do.
      • Patrizio
        • Paolina
          • Origin:

            Italian and Portuguese, feminine variation of Paul
          • Meaning:

          • Description:

            Turning Paul or Paol -- whether it's as Paolo, Paolina, or even Paola -- instantly makes it more romantic and appealing.
        • Pazienza
          • Origin:

          • Meaning:

          • Description:

            Ancient Italian name that could get you to the modern short form Paz.