Czech Names for Girls

Czech names for baby girls have a romantic Eastern European feel. Girls' names commonly used in the Czech Republic may be familiar as distinctively Czech variations of traditional female names used throughout Europe in different variations. You may be interested in Czech names due to your family background or perhaps you've enjoyed a visit to Prague and the lovely Czech countryside.

Here you can browse Nameberry's collection of Czech names for girls. The top names below rank among the current US Top 1000 Baby Names and are ordered by popularity. Unique names rank below the Top 1000 and are listed alphabetically.
  1. Mara
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Mara is the evocative ancient root of Mary, appearing in the Book of Ruth, in which Naomi, devastated after the death of her two sons, says "Call me not Naomi, call me Mara." It's one of the girl names starting with M that both fits in and stands out.
  2. Amalia
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Amalia is a widely cross-cultural name, heard from Italy to Romania, Germany to Scandinavia. The current heir to the Dutch throne is Princess Catharina-Amalia of Orange. It can be pronounced ah-MAH-lee-a or ah-mah-LEE-a.
  3. Andrea
    • Origin:

      Feminine variation of Andrew, Greek
    • Meaning:

      "strong and manly"
    • Description:

      Andrea — a feminine form of Andrew (and a male name in several European cultures) — comes with a good selection of pronunciations — ANN-dree-a, AHN-dree-a, or ahn-DRAY-a — each with a slightly different image: girl next door/slightly affected/downright mysterious
  4. Hana
    • Origin:

      Hebrew, Hawaiian, Maori, Japanese
    • Meaning:

      "grace, work, glow, flower"
    • Description:

      Many things to many peoples: a flower name, also spelled Hanae, to the Japanese; a Czech and Polish short form of Johana; and an alternate form of the biblical name Hannah in the US. It also means "craft, work" in Hawaiian and "glow" in Maori.
  5. Magdalena
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "from Magdala"
    • Description:

      Magdalena is a pretty name forever associated with the fallen-yet-redeemed Mary Magdalen; often heard in the Hispanic community. But forward thinking parents are reviving Magdalena along with Magdalene and the unrelated but similar-sounding Marguerite.
  6. Milena
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "love, warmth, grace"
    • Description:

      This popular name in various Slavic countries and in Italy holds considerable Continental appeal. It is the full name of Ukranian-born actress Mila Kunis, most noted for her award-winning role in the film Black Swan. Another actress bearing the name is Milena Govitch, of Law & Order.
  7. Jana
    • Origin:

      International feminine variation of Jan
    • Description:

      A sweet name with many cross-cultural ties: it's an equivalent of Jane in languages including Czech, Slovak, Dutch, German, Slovene, Catalan, Estonian, and Latvian.
  8. Zuzu
    • Origin:

      Czech diminutive of Susan
    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      This sizzling nickname Zuzu is heard every Christmas as the name of Jimmy Stewart's little girl in "It's a Wonderful Life," but we love it all year round as a lively alternative to double names like Gigi and Bibi.

  9. Verona
    • Origin:

      Italian place-name
    • Description:

      Verona is a scenic place-name with the added attraction of a Shakespearean connection, as in Two Gentlemen of....
  10. Daniella
    • Origin:

      Italian, Polish, Czech, feminine variation of Daniel
    • Description:

      Daniella, Daniela, and Danielle were among the hottest names for twenty years, but now, though still popular, they can no longer be considered stylish options, lagging behind the newer Ella, Stella, Bella, Gabriella, and Isabella.
  11. Katarina
    • Origin:

      Slovak variation of Katherine
    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      The Russian version of Katherine is usually Ekaterina, but this Slovak form is used throughout Eastern Europe and may be more friendly to the American ear.
  12. Eliska
    • Origin:

      Czech from Hebrew, pet form of Elisheva
    • Meaning:

      "pledged to God"
    • Description:

      Eliška is warm and friendly, in the Misha, Sasha mode.
  13. Zofia
    • Origin:

      Czech, Polish, and Ukrainian variation of Sophia
    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      As Sophia gets more popular, parents search out more unusual spins, and the Z makes this qualify.
  14. Mileva
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "gracious, dear"
    • Description:

      Albert Einstein's first wife was Mileva Maric, a Serbian student and his classmate at the Zurich Polytechnic. (Her childhood nickname was Mitza.) With the newfound popularity of Mila, this obscure Old Slavic name may be discovered outside of its native land.
  15. Bina
    • Origin:

      Diminutive of Sabina and other -ina names, Yiddish or Hebrew
    • Meaning:

      "bee or understanding"
    • Description:

      Sources say that Bina, which is close to the word for bee in Yiddish, was once used as a translation for the Hebrew Deborah, which means bee. On its own, it also means "understanding" in Hebrew. Simple and sweet in itself, it could also be short for (or a nod to) many names including Sabina, Robina, Columbina, and Jacobina.
  16. Viera
    • Origin:

      Czech and Russian variation of Vera
    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      With the rise of both Russian names and those that start with the letter V, this sharp Eastern European choice may become more familiar in the English-speaking world.
  17. Tila
    • Anka
      • Origin:

        Polish, Bulgarian, Croatian, Serbian, Slovene
      • Meaning:

      • Description:

        Slavic diminutive of Anna
    • Varya
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

      • Description:

        Short form of the Russian Varvara, a feistier version of Barbara.
    • Krista
      • Origin:

        Czech variation of Christina
      • Description:

        Krista may be past its peak -- along with all similar C-starting sisters and their K variations -- yet it's still a pretty name.