Names That Mean Old
- Móeiður
Icelandic from Old NorseMeaning:
"bright courage"Description:
The Icelandic variation of Móheiðr, an Old Norse name combined of the elements mod, meaning "courage," and heid, "bright."
- Sproti
Faroese from Old NorseMeaning:
A cute and sprightly Faroese name from the Old Norse word for "sprout".
- Emmelina
Variation of Emmeline, Old French form of archaic German AmalMeaning:
Emmelina, which can rhyme with "keener" or "liner", is a frillier and much less common version of Emmeline. While Emmeline was in the US Top 1000 girl names in 2022, Emmelina was given to fewer than 5 girls, so it didn't even make it into the extended baby name charts.
- Døgg
Faroese from Old NorseMeaning:
Not very viable among English speakers, Døgg is a Faroese nature name from the Old Norse dǫgg, "dew"
- Fanney
Variation of Fanny, English, or Old NorseMeaning:
"free man; snow island"
- Sheenan
Irish surname, variation of ShannonMeaning:
"old and wise"Description:
Sheenan updates the longtime Irish favorite Shannon, which ranked in the US Top 100 through much of the 1970s, 80s, and 90s. Shanon fell off the Top 1000 about ten years ago, but Sheenan is a worthy substitute. You might also consider it a form of Sheena, itself a form of Jane or John, with the meaning "God is gracious".
- Urð
Faroese from Old NorseMeaning:
Faroese name related to the Norse goddess of destiny.
- Kalf
Old Danish and Old SwedishMeaning:
- Auður
Icelandic variation of Auðr, Old NorseMeaning:
Auður is the Icelandic form of Auðr, a unisex name found in the Prose Edda. It shares a root with names including Odette, Otto, Ottilie, and Odile.
- Thordis
Scandinavian variation of Þórdís, Old NorseMeaning:
"thunder goddess"Description:
The modern form of Þórdís.
- Fífa
Icelandic, Old NorseMeaning:
"cotton grass"Description:
Icelandic nature name that may be too close to Fédération Internationale de Football Association (FIFA).
- Røskva
Variation of Rǫskva, Old NorseMeaning:
"vigorous, brave"Description:
A more modern variation of Rǫskva, a Norse mythological name derived from rǫskr, "brave".
- Drós
Faroese, Old NorseMeaning:
Still heard today on the Faroe Islands, Drós comes from the Old Norse word for woman.
- Thorun
Old Danish and Old SwedishMeaning:
"Thor's love"
- Thorgun
Old Danish and Old SwedishMeaning:
"Thor's battle"
- Fípa
Faroese, Old NorseMeaning:
"cotton grass"Description:
Faroese name derived from the Old Norse word fífa, which refers to cotton grass.
- Brá
Faroese, Old NorseMeaning:
Too ripe for teasing for an English speaker, but Brá is heard on occasion in Scandinavia.