Girl C names

  1. Carissa
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Trending down, along with others of both the Car and the issa groups.
  2. Carolina
    • Origin:

      Variation of Caroline; also place-name
    • Meaning:

      "free man"
    • Description:

      Romantic, and classy, this variation heats up Caroline and modernizes Carol, adding a southern accent. A popular choice in Portugal, Spain, Mexico, and Italy, it recently entered the US Top 500.
  3. Caroline
    • Origin:

      French, feminine variation of Charles
    • Meaning:

      "free man"
    • Description:

      Caroline is a perennial classic, one of the elite group of girls' names that's ALWAYS ranked among the Top 1000 and that's been in the Top 100 since 1994. Elegant yet strong, Caroline calls to mind the Kennedy Camelot years and Princess Caroline of Monaco.
  4. Casey
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "brave in battle"
    • Description:

      One of the original unisex Irish surname names, energetic Casey bounced onto the scene in the 1960s, then peaked in the 1980s for both boys and girls. Today Casey is having a resurgence for both girls and boys and re-entered the charts on the girls' side, likely due to the character Kayce Dutton (pronounced like Casey) on the hit show Yellowstone.
  5. Cassia
    • Origin:

      Feminine form of Cassius or Greek
    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Cassia is related to the cassia tree, which has yellow flowers and produces a spice that can be a substitute for cinnamon. Keziah, the name of Job’s daughter in the Old Testament, derives from the name of the plant as well. Cassia also has ties to the Ancient Roman name Cassius, an Ancient Roman family name meaning "hollow."
  6. Catalina
    • Origin:

      Spanish variation of Catherine
    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      This name of a touristed island in sight of Los Angeles makes an attractive and newly stylish variation on the classic Catherine or overused Caitlin.
  7. Celena
    • Celeste
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

      • Description:

        Celeste is a softly pretty and somewhat quaint name with heavenly overtones, which kids might associate with Queen Celeste of Babar's elephant kingdom. She's a light and lovely choice that's finally getting noticed.
    • Celestial
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

        "of the heavens, planets or stars"
      • Description:

        A pretty and almost unique word name to add to the galaxy of astral appellations. More distinctive than the better-known Celeste, it was given to only 20 girls last year. Celestial is also the title of several band albums, and is heard in the video game and comics worlds.
    • Celestina
      • Origin:

        Italian and Spanish variation of Celeste
      • Meaning:

      • Description:

        We are hearing more of such heavenly names as Celeste and Celia, which opens the door to the range of lovely variations rarely heard before. Celestina is one of them, though given the more accessible options, it may be gilding the lily.
    • Celestine
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

      • Description:

        Celestine is a pretty, crystalline extension (actually a diminutive) of Celeste that would make a choice that is both delicate and strong. It is also a popular name in France.
    • Celia
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

      • Description:

        Celia, splendidly sleek and feminine, is a name that was scattered throughout Shakespeare and other Elizabethan literature, but still manages to feel totally modern.
    • Celine
      • Origin:

        French variation of Celeste
      • Meaning:

      • Description:

        French-Canadian singer Dion made us notice this variation. Although many parents would prefer the homonym Selene, which has a different derivation and means "moon," Celine has been a Top 1000 name every year since 2012, and was also on the list each year from 1994 to 2005. Celine is also a newly-chic French fashion label.
    • Ceridwen
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

        "beautiful as a poem"
      • Description:

        Celtic goddess of poetry, though less-than-poetic name.
    • Cerise
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

      • Description:

        Infinitely preferable to the tease-inspiring English version of the word.
    • Ceylon
      • Origin:

        Place name
      • Description:

        Lovely, international, tea-scented possibility undiscovered by baby names.
    • Chandra
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

        "goddess of the moon"
      • Description:

        Chandra is the name of the Hindu moon goddess last groovy when incense and meditation were hot new concepts but a new possibility with the resurgence of astrology and other non-Western spiritual beliefs.
    • Chantal
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

        "stone, boulder"
      • Description:

        Though associated with a French saint noted for her holiness and strength of character, this name is somewhat dated and it might be better to look to one of the more modern names popular for little girls in France today: Oceane, Lea, Manon.
    • Charity
      • Origin:

        English word name
      • Meaning:

      • Description:

        Charity is one of the Big Three abstract virtue names, along with Hope and Faith, though far less widely used than the others. But as Faith, Grace and Hope grow more common, some parents are beginning to look at the more unusual three-syllable choices like Verity, Amity, Clarity and Charity, which sound much fresher and also have that pleasingly rhythmic 'y'-ending sound.
    • Charlotte
      • Origin:

        French, feminine diminutive of Charles
      • Meaning:

        "free man"
      • Description:

        Charlotte, the name of the young Princess of Cambridge, is the latest classic name to join Sophia, Emma, Olivia, and Isabella at the top of the popularity list. It is now among the most popular girl names in many English-speaking and European countries.