Favorite Z Names

  1. Zabelle
    • Origin:

      Spelling variation of Zabel, form of Isabel which is a form of Elizabeth, Hebrew
    • Meaning:

      "pledged to God"
    • Description:

      Zabelle and Zabel are fresh (to us) and ancient forms of Isabel, making zippy variations for modern lovers of that ancient name who feel the original is overexposed.
  2. Zadie
    • Origin:

      English variation of Sadie
    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      When aspiring British writer Sadie Smith decided to change her name to the more distinctive and zippy Zadie at the age of fourteen, this attention-magnet name was born. But though it might sound like a modern initial-switch, Zadie was actually Number 539 in 1881, remaining in the Top 1000 for almost thirty years.
  3. Zane
    • Origin:

      Possible variation of John
    • Meaning:

      "God is gracious"
    • Description:

      Western novelist Zane (born Pearl!) Grey made this name famous. Now, it's in tune with the style of our times, retaining that appealing cowboy image.
  4. Zeke
    • Origin:

      Diminutive of Ezekiel
    • Meaning:

      "God strengthens"
    • Description:

      Zeke is a casual form of the name Ezekiel, an important prophet from the Old Testament. How well Zeke holds up depends on the boy: it could be a cooler alternative of Zack, or it could prove too close to "geek." Both Zeke and Ezekiel lag behind in popularity on the UK charts.
  5. Zelda
    • Origin:

      Diminutive of Griselda
    • Meaning:

      "gray fighting maid"
    • Description:

      Classified as an early beauty, Zelda has long and often been used as such for characters in books and films. Since 1986, Zelda has been a prime Nintendo name, as in the Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess.
  6. Zella
    • Origin:

      African, Bobangi, Libyan place name, diminutive of Rosella, Marcella, Gizella, or Isabella
    • Meaning:

      "lacking nothing, one who knows the way"
    • Description:

      Sunny, sassy, and stylish, Zella is a multicultural and versatile choice which works across multiple languages. Popular back in the early 19th century, Zella is now catching the attention of cotemporary parent as a rival to Ella, Stella, and Della.
  7. Zephyr
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "west wind"
    • Description:

      If you're looking for a name that's light and breezy, this could be it. A name from mythology: Zephyrus/Zephyr was the Greek god of the west wind, and with its similarity in sound to the likes of Stefan or Seth, its zippy Z initial and cool Y, it is primed to rise up the US charts.
  8. Zephyr
    • Origin:

    • Meaning:

      "west wind"
    • Description:

      Zephyrus was the Greek god of the west wind, and all names associated with him have a pleasantly gentle, breezy feel. With its cool Z initial and similarity in sound to Stephie and Serafina, Zephyr has been rising up the US charts in recent years as a unisex name.
  9. Ziska
    • Zora
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

      • Description:

        Zora is a meaningful literary heroine name honoring Zora Neale Hurston, an important black writer and leader of the Harlem Renaissance.
    • Zuelia
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

      • Description:

        An occasionally heard African name, hobbled by a zoolike sound.