Favorite Favorites!

  1. Allie
    • Origin:

      Variation or diminutive of Alexandra, Alice or Allison; Greek, German or Scottish
    • Meaning:

      "defending men or noble"
    • Description:

      Allie is one short form that's gotten so popular it's often used as a name on its own. Cute, friendly, yet we'd recommend using one of the proper names such as Alice to give your daughter an option.
  2. Amalie
    • Origin:

      Danish, Norwegian, and German form of Amalia or Amelia
    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      In European countries where it's regularly used as a form of the Amelia family of names, the pronunciation is very similar to the a-ending form, Amalia.
  3. Anna
    • Origin:

      Variation of Hannah, Hebrew
    • Meaning:

    • Description:

      Anna has become the dominant form of the Ann family, offering a touch of the international to English speakers and a bit more style than the oversimplified Ann or Anne.
  4. Ardyn
    • Caroline
      • Origin:

        French, feminine variation of Charles
      • Meaning:

        "free man"
      • Description:

        Caroline is a perennial classic, one of the elite group of girls' names that's ALWAYS ranked among the Top 1000 and that's been in the Top 100 since 1994. Elegant yet strong, Caroline calls to mind the Kennedy Camelot years and Princess Caroline of Monaco.
    • Catherine
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

      • Description:

        Catherine is one of the oldest and most consistently well-used girls’ names, with endless variations and nicknames. The Catherine form feels more gently old-fashioned and feminine than the more popular K versions. Most stylish nickname for Catherine right now: Kate...or Cate, a la Blanchett.
    • Charlotte
      • Origin:

        French, feminine diminutive of Charles
      • Meaning:

        "free man"
      • Description:

        Charlotte, the name of the young Princess of Cambridge, is the latest classic name to join Sophia, Emma, Olivia, and Isabella at the top of the popularity list. It is now among the most popular girl names in many English-speaking and European countries.
    • Clara
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

        "bright, clear"
      • Description:

        Clara is a strong, lovely girls' name that's always ranked among the US Top 1000 girl names but has been climbing since the turn of this century. It now ranks right around Number 100, making it a modern classic that's neither too popular nor unfamiliar.
    • Felicity
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

        "good fortune, happy"
      • Description:

        Felicity is as accessible a virtue name as Hope and Faith, but much more feminine -- and dare we say, happier. The hit TV show did a lot to soften and modernize the once buttoned-up image of Felicity, and it got further notice as the red-haired Colonial doll, Felicity Merriman, in the American Girl series. A current bearer is actress Felicity Huffman.
    • Grace
      • Origin:

        English, virtue name
      • Description:

        Grace, a simple and pure virtue name which originally referred to divine grace, is a fashionable classic. In the early 2000s, it seemed headed for the Top 10 but pulled back from the upward trajectory, which you may consider a very good thing.
    • Joy
      • Origin:

        English word name
      • Meaning:

      • Description:

        Joy is from an older generation of word names, which also included Merry, Bliss, and Glory -- all of which exert a certain amount of personality pressure on a child. However, Joy, like Grace, Hope, and Rose, has crossed more into name-territory than other word choices, which lightens some of that pressure.
    • Kay
      • Origin:

        English, diminutive of Katherine, Greek
      • Meaning:

      • Description:

        Kay, a cigarette-smoking, nightclubbing name of the 1930's, could be ready for a comeback along with cousins May/Mae and Ray/Rae.
    • Lucille
      • Origin:

        French variation of Latin Lucilla
      • Meaning:

      • Description:

        Lucille is a name that had long been overpowered by its link to Lucille Ball, with an image of tangerine-colored hair, big, round eyes, and a tendency to stage daffy and desperate stunts. But with the newfound craze for double-L names like Lily and Lila, Lulu and Luna, and as the choice of Lucille by hipster parents Maya Rudolph and Paul Thomas Anderson, Lucille is breaking free from its old clownish image, moving rapidly up the charts over the past decade after a long nap.
    • Rebecca
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

        "to tie, bind"
      • Description:

        Rebecca is a name representing beauty in the Bible, an Old Testament classic that reached the heights of revived popularity in the seventies but is still a well-used choice. It derives from the Hebrew name Rivkah, from the verb ribbqah, meaning "noose." The biblical Rebecca was the wife of Isaac and the mother of Esau and Jacob. Rebekah was a common spelling of the name in the Bible.
    • Rose
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

        "rose, a flower"
      • Description:

        Rose is derived from the Latin rosa, which referred to the flower. There is also evidence to suggest it was a Norman variation of the Germanic name Hrodohaidis, meaning "famous type," and also Hros, "horse". In Old English it was translated as Roese and Rohese.
    • Sofia
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

      • Description:

        Sofia is a variation of the Greek name Sophia, which was derived directly from sophia, the Greek word for wisdom. It was the name of a Roman saint—the mother of Faith, Hope, and Charity—and queens of Russia and Spain.
    • Sophia
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

      • Description:

        Sophia, which was the Number 1 girls' name in the US from 2011 to 2013, is among the top girl names in the Western World, with a sensuous sound and high-minded meaning. A real winner, Sophia reached the top of the charts without losing any—okay, much—of its sophisticated beauty.
    • Victorine
      • Origin:

        French variation of Victoria, Latin
      • Meaning:

      • Description:

        Victorine is appealing if you know it's an authentic vintage French girls' name, less so if you assume it's an awkward feminization, ala Davette or Richardine.