Names I like

  1. Alys
    • Caris
      • Origin:

        Welsh, Greek
      • Meaning:

        "love; grace, kindness"
      • Description:

        Beautiful meanings no matter which origin you want to go with. But either way, it rhymes with Paris.
    • Harmony
      • Origin:

        Word name
      • Meaning:

      • Description:

        If Melody and Lyric are on your style sheet, the peaceful Harmony, popularized by Buffy the Vampire Slayer, should be too. Girls names starting with the "Har" sound like Harper, Harley, and Harlow have been trending in recent years. This musical choice fits right in, and it is no wonder that Harmony has been in the Top 200 since 2014.
    • Isobella
      • Lotta
        • Origin:

          Short form of Charlotta or Carlotta
        • Description:

          This nickname-name is very popular in Germany, though Lottie is still the preferred version in the US. The problem, of course, is that you'll have to put up with a lotta jokes. See?
      • Neeve
        • Rae
          • Origin:

            English, diminutive of Rachel, Hebrew
          • Meaning:

          • Description:

            All the old ae/ay middle names for girls are back--Kay, Fay, Mae/May, --and Rae is one of the coolest, used as such by celebrities as Mark Wahlberg and Daniel Baldwin.
        • Rue
          • Origin:

            Botanical names or word name
          • Meaning:

            "herb; regret"
          • Description:

            Rue has gone from Golden Girls actress to Hunger Games heroine to a fresh alternative to beloved middle name Rose. This botanical name is also a coincidental double word name, meaning "regret" in English and "street" in French. Despite these unfortunate secondary meanings, Rue has real potential to be one of the most popular new middle names for girls.