Middle Names for baby girl #2

  1. Ceit
    • Evaline
      • Origin:

        Variation of Evelyn or Aveline
      • Description:

        Evaline may be unusual, but there are so many stylish names around right now that sound like it, from Eva to Evelyn to Adeline, that it will feel less distinctive than it is.
    • Flora
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

      • Description:

        Flora, the name of the Roman goddess of flowers and spring, who enjoyed eternal youth, is one of the gently old-fashioned girls' flower names we think is due for a comeback— alongside cousins Cora and Dora. Florence, Fiorella, Fleur, and Flower are translations, but we like Flora best of all.
    • Grace
      • Origin:

        English, virtue name
      • Description:

        Grace, a simple and pure virtue name which originally referred to divine grace, is a fashionable classic. In the early 2000s, it seemed headed for the Top 10 but pulled back from the upward trajectory, which you may consider a very good thing.
    • Lilidh
      • Mae
        • Origin:

          Diminutive of Mary or Margaret, Hebrew, Latin
        • Meaning:

          "beloved, bitter, drop of the sea; pearl"
        • Description:

          Mae, a sweet and springlike old-fashioned name, hadn't been on the national charts in forty years, but finally made it back in 2010. Mae is derived from May, the month name that was chosen for its connection to Maia, the Roman goddess of growth and motherhood.
      • Margaret
        • Origin:

        • Meaning:

        • Description:

          Margaret is derived from the French Marguerite, which in turn came from Margarita, the Latin form of the Greek Margarites. Margarites was based on the Old Persian word margārīta, meaning "pearl."
      • Marie
        • Origin:

          French variation of Mary
        • Meaning:

          "drop of the sea, bitter, or beloved"
        • Description:

          The ubiquitous French version of Mary came into the English-speaking world in the nineteenth century. In the United States, Marie was a huge hit at the turn of the last century and for the ensuing fifty years, becoming the seventh most popular name in the country for three years, from 1901 to 1904.
      • Maude
        • Origin:

          English and French diminutive of Matilda, German
        • Meaning:

        • Description:

          Maude, also spelled Maud, is a lacy, mauve-tinted name that was wildly popular a hundred years ago, but has been rarely heard in the past fifty. Some stylish parents are starting to choose it again, especially as a middle.
      • Morainn