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  1. Nadia
    • Origin:

      Russian, Arabic
    • Meaning:

      "hope; tender, delicate"
    • Description:

      Nadia, an accessible Slavic favorite, has a strong run of popularity in the US in the early 2000s, partially thanks to the character on Lost called Nadia but actually named Noor, but it's since slumped down the rankings. An earlier inspiration was Romanian gymnast Nadia Comaneci, who won the 1976 Olympics.
  2. Naftali
    • Nairobi
      • Origin:

        African place-name, Maasi
      • Meaning:

        "cold water"
      • Description:

        Kenya is fairly commonly heard as a girl's name, but its capital city makes a much more exceptional choice. The name comes from the Maasai phrase "Enkare Nairobi," which translates to "cold water." Nairobi is popularly known as the Green City.
    • Nala
      • Origin:

        African, meaning unknown
      • Description:

        A Disney name—Nala was the friend who became the wife of Simba, hero of The Lion King. It debuted on the US Top 1000 in 2015.
    • Naomi
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

      • Description:

        Naomi was once a primarily Jewish name from the Old Testament that referenced the mother-in-law of Ruth. Because of this, it is a symbolic name given to girls on Shavuot when the story of Ruth is read in the synagogue.
    • Narnia
      • Origin:

        Literary place-name
      • Description:

        This Latin-sounding place-name, created by C. S. Lewis for his Chronicles, will undoubtedly be adopted by a few admiring parents.
    • Natalie
      • Origin:

        French variation of Russian Natalia
      • Meaning:

        "birthday of the Lord"
      • Description:

        Natalie—a Franco-Russian name—became Americanized years ago and is one of those surprising names that's always ranked among the girls' Top 1000 names in the US.
    • Nechama
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

      • Description:

        Traditional Hebrew name that has never entered the American mainstream, though it is popular among Hasidic parents and was found to be the quirky favorite girls' names of New Jersey in our survey of baby names that enjoy outsized popularity in each state.
    • Nehemiah
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

        "comforted by God"
      • Description:

        Nehemiah is an Old Testament name used by the Puritans, whose white-bearded image kept it out of favor for centuries, until it suddenly reappeared in 1998, along with the more user-friendly Josiah and Isaiah.
    • Neville
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

        "new town"
      • Description:

        More often used in Britain than here, where most names ending in ville fall into the unthinkable class, this might make an exception via fans of the musical Neville Brothers.
    • Nia
      • Origin:

        Swahili; Welsh form of the Irish Niamh
      • Meaning:

        "resolve; brilliance"
      • Description:

        Short but energetic and substantial, Nia has special meaning for African-American parents, as it's one of the days of Kwanza. Nia also benefits by its similarity to (yet differentness from) the megapopular Mia.
    • Noah
      • Origin:

      • Meaning:

        "rest, repose"
      • Description:

        Noah is nearly a patriarch of popular baby names at this point, going from Old Testament graybeard to Top 10 name in 2009, hitting Number 1 in 2013, and now settled into second place in the US for the past seven years.
    • Namaste