_______ Keen

  1. Alice Louise Keen
    • Allegra Princess
      • Aurelia Louise
        • Harper Louise
          • Liam Joseph
            • Patrick Joseph
              • Rilo Louise
                • Sylvie
                  • Origin:

                    French variation of Latin Sylvia
                  • Meaning:

                    "from the forest"
                  • Description:

                    Although Sylvia seems to be having somewhat of a revival among trendsetting baby namers, we'd still opt for the even gentler and more unusual Sylvie. Despite being dated in its native France (where it was popular during the 1950s and 60s), in English-speaking regions it still feels fresh and international without being unfamiliar and has a cosmopolitan, international air. It debuted on the US Top 1000 in 2016.
                • Siddhartha Schrodinger
                  • Silvie Louise
                    • Stella Louise Keen
                      • William Joseph
                        • Wittford Draconian