Other People’s Name Opinions: Do you care?

It’s one of the many joys of being an expectant mom: suddenly everyone has an opinion — on your diet, your wardrobe, your activity levels, your birth plan, the size and shape of your baby bump…

And, of course, baby names.

A recent survey by the British parenting website Mumsnet found that one fifth of grandparents have said that they “hate” their grandchildren’s names, with grandmothers the worst offenders for baby name bashing.

And the response received by a whopping ten percent of new parents surveyed on announcing their baby’s name?


So, today we’re asking for your take on the role of other people’s input in the baby-naming process.

Do you let other people’s opinions affect your choice?

Do you invite input from others, or do you prefer to keep the discussion private until a final decision is made?

Is there anyone else, besides your partner, whose opinion you really value?

Have you ever been on the receiving end of unsolicited baby naming advice or feedback, and how did you handle it?

Let us know in the comments, or head on over to Facebook or Twitter to continue the conversation!

About the Author

Emma Waterhouse

Emma Waterhouse

Emma Waterhouse joined the team in 2017, writing about everything from the top baby name trends 2023 to how not to choose the next big baby name. As Nameberry's head moderator, she also helps to keep our active forums community ticking.

Emma's articles on names and naming trends have been featured in publications including the Huffington Post, People, Today's Parent, Fatherly, and Good Housekeeping.

A linguist by background, Emma speaks several languages and lives in England's smallest county with her husband and four young children. You can reach her at emma@nameberry.com.