News Flash! News Flash!
The Social Security Administration has just released its list of Top Names of 2009, and, as predicted by many nameberryites, Isabella has dethroned Emma for first place. Jacob remains the top name for boys, as it has been since 1999. One of the ayden boys has finally cracked the Top 10, with Jayden in at number eight, and Noah is also new in the golden circle at #9. For girls, the newcomer was Mia, moving up from #14 to #10.
Biggest jumps were for Maliyah, a take on the First Daughter’s name, and for boys, the Twilight influence was reflected in the spurt of Cullen, surname of Edward.
Top twins were Isabella and Sophia–a real move away from the matchy-matchy first initial names.
More coming, but in the meantime, here is the official press release from the SSA which has a link to the Top 1000.
We’ve spent much of the day blogging for the Daily Beast and for USmagazine (soon to be posted in their Moms & Babies section.
In the meantime, we’ve been wildly impressed with the astute comments you’ve been posting on the blog and hope everyone is following them!!