Quiz: Berrify Your Name!
Any Berry (as us Nameberry enthusiasts like to call ourselves) can tell you that the "Nameberry favorites" typically tend to fit into an overall "Berry style" — it's a mix of vintage and modern, literary and nature names, and often reflects names that are in style or about to be in style in the US.
While Berries' individual styles all vary significantly, there are undeniably certain names that tend to get the most mentions on the forums, the most likes in the "name of the day" thread, the most views on their pages, and even the most uses for actual Berry babies.
Take our quiz to get your own "Berrified" name that fits into this Berry style. Then read about some names we notice getting a lot of love on Nameberry lately.
Favorite Nameberry Names
Flora has a lot going for her. She is feminine and floral of course, but not frilly or over-the-top — in fact, she feels quite strong. It makes sense that Flora has gotten the love she has on Nameberry.
Another longtime Nameberry favorite is the sleek Hugo. Both soft and strong at the same time, vintage, and boasting that energetic "-o" ending, Hugo fits perfectly into the "Berry style".
One of the most beloved names of Berries for many years now, Jasper is also catching on in the real world. Pretty much the only gemstone name that’s traditionally male, Jasper represents a common theme you will notice — Berries as a whole tend to love softer-sounding boys names.
Kit is one of Nameberry's favorite gender neutral names, but we do see it mentioned more often as a boys' name. A diminutive of Christopher on the boys' side, or a diminutive of Katherine on the girls' side, Kit is a fun and lively pick either way.
Margot is one of the chicest and most fashionable names out there today. The sophisticated French style, the trending "-o" ending, and the vintage vibe all elevate Margot to be one of the most loved names on Nameberry of all time.
Many Berries love an offbeat nature name, especially for a middle. Marigold has been a hit on Nameberry for several years, and you can't scroll through the forums for very long without running into a combo where she makes an appearance. Other names we see a lot that fit into this whimsical middle name category include Primrose, Lavender, Juniper, and Wildrose.
Short and sweet Nell is a diminutive of Helena or Eleanor — both of which have gotten their fair share of attention on Nameberry as well. Berries seem to love Nell both as a nickname and a standalone name, as well as with the adorable nickname Nellie.
A prime example of Nameberry's love of soft-sounding boy names is the dashing Sasha. Traditionally a Russian diminutive of Alexander, Sasha (as well as Sascha and Sacha) is more commonly seen on Nameberry as a stand-alone name.
Wilder brings to mind a very specific aesthetic — outdoorsy, nature-loving, and of course, wild! Wilder is popular amongst Berries, especially as a middle name, and is now up-and-coming in the real world as well.