Babyberry Arrivals of January: Althea Lake & Amos Beau
The first month of the new year brought a bountiful crop of beautifully named berry babies. There was one set of twins, the saucy Kitty Rebekah and Sadie Heather. Also, among the girls:
Other floral names replacing Rose in the middle: Violet and Magnolia, but in first place there was a Rose and a Rosie
There were two girls with the middle name Lake.
Most unusual names: Lux, Maven and Ziva
The boys list saw several names from other cultures, including Esra, Binyamin, Paolo, Sanin and Saudok
The full list of our Berries’ January baby name choices:
Althea Lake, sister of Maren
Audrey Vivienne, sister of Levi James
Blythe Penelope
“The name Blythe has been my favourite for years. It’s strong but still feminine, and unique without being outlandish. Penelope was my husband’s favourite, but we ultimately decided to not use it as a first name as it will inevitably be shortened and we aren’t in love with any of its nicknames.”
Cecilia Jane, sister of Henry and Peter
“We are waiting to see which nicknames arise but love Celie, Cece, Celia and Cilla!”
Emari Elizabeth
“(Emari is the German spelling of Emery or Emory) We went with Emari for her personality plus it was a great combo of family names that was a true original name. We had the following names to mash: Emma, Mary, Elizabeth Ida, Ernestine Marie and many more Elizabeths and Marys on both sides.”
Evelyn Lake, sister of Violet Beatrix and Felix Sage
“She is so delicate and somehow equal parts spunky and serene, Evelyn just feels right for her and Lake truly compliments her big and soulful blueish-green eyes.”
Florence Theodora
“Florence means flourishing/prosperous and is a family name with lots of meaning. Theodora means gift from God, which couldn’t be more true.”
Iris Amelia, sister of Eden Paige
Juliet Drew Marie
“Juliet is a nod (as a bit of a mashup) to both maternal grandparents, Julia and Janet. We love the femininity of Juliet paired with Drew and think their meanings (youthful and strong) are a perfect fit. Marie is a family name.”
Kitty Rebekah, twin of Sadie Heather and sister of Elliot Henry and Penny Susannah.
Lucia Linnea Pearl, sister of Truman Frederick Palmer
Lux Cecelia
“Lux Cecelia is truly our little light. It was going to be Cecilia Lux, but she is just a Lux through and through.”
Maven Eileen, sister of Wyatt David
“I really love the Irish name Maeve, but my husband wasn’t the biggest fan. We both really liked Maven, though. I figured I could always shorten it to Mave & assumed I would just call her that. Now that she’s here, I only call her Maven! It just suits her so well. Her middle name, Eileen, is after my grandmother…It’s funny, too, because she actually resembles my grandmother a lot.”
Ramona Violet, sister of Theodore Patrick
Rose Marion, sister of Caroline Livia
“My six-year-old daughter chose the name Rose, Marion is my middle name.”
Rosie Emilia
“Roses mean a lot to my husband and me, they were the first flowers he ever gave me and they were the main flowers in our wedding bouquets. Emilia is after the Emilia-Romagna region of Italy where we met, had our wedding and honeymoon.”
Ruby Magnolia, sister of Naomi Jean
“My father trimmed a magnolia tree in the yard and it makes me think of him. I also love the beautiful, sweet smelling blooms and how resilient they are. Ruby is a name we both adore and its also my birthstone, We also loved some of the biblical scriptures, esp Proverbs 3:25, that connects it to her sister’s biblical name in a non-matchy kind of way. ‘She is more precious than rubies; nothing you desire can compare to her.’”
Sadie Heather, twin sister of Kitty Rebekah, sister of Elliot Henry and Penny Susannah.
Sara Gwyneth, sister of Lia Kristen
Willow Marylee
“Willow had been on the top of both of our lists. We imagined our daughter as being outdoorsy, curious, adventurous and independent. Marylee was my grandmother’s name who unfortunately is not still here to meet her great granddaughter but was a huge part of my life.”
Ziva Heloise, sister of Noor and Viola
…I was stuck between three very beautiful names…Elena, Anouk and Eve. I chose, however, a name that was always hidden in plain sight, but turned out to be the perfect choice, Eve would have been too cliché for a New Year’s baby and it would be difficult enough for a child to share her day with a falling ball, countdowns and fireworks…Elena always made my heart skip a beat, but berries were right in pointing out that it was simply too common/trendy in comparison to Noor and Viola’s names….Being the perfect combination of Eastern beauty and history, light, brilliance and shortness (and the “odd” letters that I love), Ziva Heloise seemed to be the only perfect fit.”
Amos Beau, brother of Elinore Davie
Esra Gideon Kai, brother of Ischa Gabriel Patrick
“We went with Esra (female name in Turkey, but also Scandinavian form of Ezra, so not exclusively female) instead of Ezra because the Z made it sound rather harsh to us….He got two middles, just like his brother…Gideon is a family name and Kai was my grandmother’s maiden name.”
Finley Reid, brother of Connor David
Gabriel Lee, brother of Evander
“He is named after the archangel Gabriel, and his middle name honors his maternal grandfather, Orville Leroy who is called Lee by his family.”
Isaac Francis
Max Christopher, brother of Vivien Abigail
Merrick Oliver, brother of Shepherd John and Destry Frederick
Noam Binyamin, brother of Meir Nachum and Sagi Tuvya
We named him Noam because it has a very beautiful meaning: tenderness, pleasantness. Binyamin is a family name, as are the middle names of our other sons.”
Paolo Sanin
“Paolo was chosen before we even knew we were pregnant. I had last minute name doubts but thanks to many wonderful and wise berries we decided that it was the right thing to do to keep it. His middle name Sanin (pronounced sah-neen) is one of my husband’s grandfather’s surnames (they followed Hispanic custom of passing down both the mother & fathers surnames)…Since he raised my husband, we knew we wanted to honor him with one of his names.”
Rowan Francesco
Theron Saudok Khayne, brother of Leonidas Alexander Sanad
“Saudok is an old Arabic word meaning “honest” (my husband is Egyptian), Khayne is a hybrid of his grandpa’s names, Khairy and Wayne. We stuck with the theme of Greek names and love it.
What’s your favorite girl name, boy name, first-last combo and subset?