100+ New Nameberry Names for 2023
Another year, another bumper crop of new additions to Nameberry's ever-expanding database!
We’re adding fresh names to the site all the time: drawn from international name charts, from recent name sightings (hello, Theodulf) and, of course, from our brilliant Berry community.
And you too can contribute to this project! Add your own suggestions for names you’d like to see on Nameberry over on our forums.
Our latest batch of newcomers includes a wide range of international names, nature names, word and virtue names, and names from literature and pop culture. A big thank you to all those who contributed!
Read on for 100+ of the most intriguing new names added to Nameberry so far in 2023, along with a selection of comments from the Berries who suggested them.
New Nameberry Girl Names
“You reference Adelheidis as being a core name in a bunch of entries like Ada, Adelaide, Adelaida, Adalayde and Adeliza, but the name Adelheidis isn’t actually in the database for some reason. It’d be nice to have it there, since it’s such a pretty name.”
It’s true – Adelheidis or Adalheidis already features in three of the most popular girl name pages on our site, albeit in its stylish modern forms, Ada, Alice and Adelaide. Deriving from Old German adal “noble” and heit “type” or “-ness”, it’s also the ultimate root of other choices like Alicia, Allison and Heidi.
Thanks to @fiddlesticks for suggesting Adelheidis.
“I’d dearly love to see Gates added for girls after actress Gates McFadden, especially as she’s back on screen in Star Trek: Picard. Not only does she play the brilliant Dr Beverly Crusher but she was also the first woman to direct an episode of Star Trek.”
An underused member of the S-ending surname crowd, Gates was given to just 12 baby boys last year, and no girls. In the case of Star Trek actress and choreographer Gates McFadden, it’s actually her middle name, inspired by her mother’s maiden name. As you might expect, the surname originally denoted someone who lived near the town gates.
Thanks to @persephonescrown for suggesting Gates for a girl.
“One of the Charites (Graces) in Greek mythology; her name means ‘goddess of all’. And who could resist the lovely nickname Thea?”
Lovers of elaborate ancient names like Pandora and Dorothea might appreciate this unusual name from Greek mythology. Pasithea is an obscure goddess of rest and relaxation, wife of Hypnos, god of sleep and dreams.
Thanks to @rosepip for suggesting Pasithea.
“Rydell could be a cool choice! Fits in with the likes of Ryder and Ryker, while also having the connection to the movie and musical Grease.”
This fashionable-sounding surname is surprisingly rare – it didn’t make the extended list for girls or boys last year. Musical fans will recognise it as the fictional high school setting for Grease, after which singer Rydel Lynch was apparently named.
Thanks to @kidpix21 for suggesting Rydell, which we’ve added for both genders.
“An invented name from the 1988 movie Willow. A sister to names like Sorcha and Saoirse. A gem!”
Ron Howard’s cult classic Willow introduced the name Elora into the public consciousness, now ranking at #724. Sorsha is another appealing character name from the movie – just as strong and spirited as the trending Irish name Saoirse, but easier for the average American to pronounce!
Thanks to @snowmaiden and @persephonescrown for suggesting Sorsha.
More New Nameberry Girl Names
- Akerke
- Aleydis
- Arezou
- Blaer
- Castania
- Celebrían
- Corinthia
- Cvita
- Dafina
- Devani
- Eloria
- Finna
- Flores
- Gaiana
- Gara
- Generosa
- Hanneke
- Ilsabet
- Invicta
- Izcalli
- Keke
- Kiraz
- Kitara
- Lavendel
- Lenka
- Lilabelle
- Luli
- Luljeta
- Mariluz
- Maudette
- Milay
- Morfydd
- Muskan
- Navia
- Nidhi
- Ottine
- Parvaneh
- Qadria
- Raluca
- Reminisce
- Rumena
- Sachli
- Scylla
- Sisu
- Slava
- Solimar
- Sua
- Thylane
- Tokyo
- Tomine
- Ushas
- Vero
- Villanelle
- Winley
- Wyola
- Xanthoula
- Yrsa
- Zeraphine
- Zerlina
New Nameberry Boy Names
“I’d love to see the names Giustino and Gustine added! Giustino is the Italianized version of Justin, while Gustine is connected to Augustus. As a personal anecdote, my grandfather’s name was Giustino and he Anglicized his name to Gustine.”
We had Giustina in the database already – how could we have overlooked its masculine counterpart?! Giustino (joo-STEE-no) has more Romantic flair than its English equivalent, and is an uncommon choice even in Italy.
Gustine, meanwhile, is a shortened version of Augustine – historically principally feminine in France and the Netherlands, where it has been most popular.
Thanks to @caroblaise for suggesting these two.
“It is a name invented for the very popular Shadow and Bone series of books, now also on Netflix. Author Leigh Bardugo says that it is supposed to be the Ravkan version of Malcolm.”
The language and names of the Shadow and Bones universe are heavily influenced by Russian and Mongolian, but here’s one that would work beautifully in English, too! In the novels and Netflix series, the character Malyen Oretsev is called mainly by the cool nickname Mal.
Thanks to @Mayblossom for suggesting Malyen.
“I first came across it when reading one of the books by Leon Uris set in Israel. Orde Wingate was one of those eccentric geniuses that the British army seem to develop. To me it is a strong name with similar vibes to names like Jude, Leon, Ford or Gordon.”
Unconventional British military officer Orde Wingate inherited his unusual given name from his mother, Mary Ethel Stanley Orde-Browne. Fittingly for his eventual profession (and that of his only son, also named Orde), it means “point, spear” and originally denoted someone living near a headland or ridge.
Thanks to @Asherose for suggesting Orde.
“Just watching Thomas and Friends with my kids and there is an engine called Rheneas. It’s of Celtic origin and means ‘waterfall ridge’. I think it’s really cool!”
Pronounced “re-NAY-us” in the TV series, this cool Celtic-inspired name could be a great super-rare alternative to rising stars like Rhodes or Phineas. In the fictional Sudric language, which borrows heavily from Welsh and Manx, it combines the words for “division, ridge” and “waterfall”.
Thanks to @Helen12345 and @iheartnames for suggesting Rheneas.
“A rare unisex name and surname, meaning ‘flowing river’, which originated as the name of an ancient community in Gallia. I know an English man with this given name, also spelled Trevere.”
The Treveri people gave their name to modern-day Trier, formerly known in English by its French name Treves, which is the oldest city in Germany and was one of the ancient capitals of the Roman Empire. This could be a novel way to honor an ancestral Trevor!
Thanks to @Orphne for suggesting Treveri.
More New Nameberry Boy Names
- Almeric
- Araz
- Arundel
- Athanase
- Azair
- Bautista
- Blaidd
- Bluejay
- Bonham
- Boreas
- Caractacus
- Cavidan
- Cruise
- Cujo
- Danann
- Delby
- Delta
- Dodger
- Eckhart
- Eise
- Endris
- Esper
- Eurus
- Flóki
- Gaten
- Haraldur
- Haytham
- Iarlaith
- Ibai
- Itzhak
- Kells
- Leodis
- Leoric
- Leverett
- Lilian
- Loreto
- Miljan
- Mirza
- Moon
- Nahome
- Nayati
- Notus
- Ozai
- Piyesiwak
- Pleun
- Riles
- Riou
- Rueby
- Serdar
- Shael
- Skarde
- Somerset
- Tamerlan
- Thielen
- Thorbjörn
- Weymont
- Wolfie
- Xin
- Zai
- Zarek