Names that Peaked in 1961
- Jackie
Jackie Kennedy gave this name a lot of style, but it doesn't seem destined for a comeback the way brother name Jack has. Jackie and Jacqueline both peaked in 1961.
- Liz
Diminutive of ElizabethMeaning:
"pledged to God"Description:
Some might think a girl named Liz on her birth certificate would feel deprived of her full identity, but in a time when mini names like Liv, Kit, Tru, Kai, Lou, and Bea are in style, Liz feels substantial enough that its bearer won't feel bereft.
- Mike
English, diminutive of MichaelDescription:
Unlike Jake or Sam, few parents put Mike on the birth certificate.
- Chuck
Diminutive of CharlesDescription:
So far out it's almost ready to be let back in.
- Benita
In fashion limbo with Anita and Juanita.
- Chris
Diminutive of ChristinaMeaning:
"a Christian"Description:
Chris is one of the longest-running and still most appealing unisex short forms, still used nearly equally for boys and girls. Though no longer fashionable, Chris still feels crisp and appropriate for both sexes.
- Shari
Anglicized variation of Hungarian Sari, variation of SarahMeaning:
This once-cool nickname-y name now belongs to the grandma generation.
- Mitch
- Dwayne
Spelling variation of DuaneMeaning:
This is an offshoot of Duane, which is an old Irish surname. It took off in the 1960s, when it conveyed a surfer boy image, and reached as high as Number 111 in 1961. The most prominent current bearer is Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson. The basketball superstar spells his name DwYAne Wade.
- Les
- Juli
- Lauri
- Lorri
- Jacki
- Loria
While Aintza is perhaps a more accurate and modern Basque alternative to Gloria, Loria has long been considered a possibility too. It comes from loriatsua or loria meaning "glorious" or simply "glory".
- Cherri
- Juliann
"youthful or sky father"Description:
Variant of Julian or Julianne