
Literary name

Gendry Origin and Meaning

The name Gendry is a boy's name .

Most of the names George R.R. Martin created for his A Song of Ice and Fire series of books are close variants of existing English names, but this is an exception. Gendry was a minor character in the first few seasons of the show, who became a fan favorite largely on the strength of a meme-worthy photo of his shirtless, muscled torso. He returned to the show for a key plotline in the seventh season.

Gendry's relative insignificance as a character may actually bode well for the name's chances IRL; it's not so closely associated with the show that people will always make the connection. Pronunciation and spelling, though, may be tough for non-watchers: the initial G is hard.

Gendry in Pop Culture

  • Gendry Rivers (Baratheon)main character in Game of Thrones