Girls Names Beginning With P
- Phillida
Latin, spelling variation of PhyllidaMeaning:
"green bough"Description:
Phillida is a "Masterpiece Theatre" appellation, proper to an almost comical degree yet might make an original way to honor an ancestral Phyliis. Actress Phyllida Law is the mother of Emma and Sophie Thompson.
- Phillipa
- Phillis
Spelling variation of Phyllis, GreekMeaning:
"green bough"Description:
The Phillis spelling of this once-popular name lives on thanks to Phillis Wheatley, the first African-American to publish a book of poetry, in the 18th century.
- Philomela
"lover of songs"Description:
Philomela, the name of a mythological Athenian princess who was transformed into a nightingale, is rarely heard outside the Greek community. The mellifluous Philomela might make a more distinctive and prettier update for Pamela or Phyllis. Philomela may also be a good choice for a music-lover's daughter. Try Pippa or Millie for short.
- Philomena
"lover of strength"Description:
Philomena is an earthy Greek name now used in various Latin countries. While it has felt simply clunky for many years, it's starting -- along with such sister names as Wilhelmina and Frederica -- to sound so clunky it's cool.
- Philomene
- Philomina
- Philomine
Variation of Philomena, GreekMeaning:
"lover of strength"Description:
This variation of Philomena has never been high on the popularity charts, but it did appear in the US infrequently as a French immigrant name. As a result, it has some ties to Louisiana and the Cajun community.
- Philomène
- Philothea
"lover of God"Description:
The name of a saint in the Greek Orthodox Church and the Greek version of the more familiar Amadea / Amadeus. Philothea could make for a lovely, unusual way to get to stylish Thea. Bottom line: Philothea is one of those unique baby names that deserves to be discovered.
- Philou
This Dutch name stems from the Greek root word "philos" meaning "love". It is relatively common in the Netherlands.
- Phoebe
"radiant, shining one"Description:
Phoebe is the Latin variation of the Greek name Phoibe, which derived from phoibos, meaning "bright." In classical mythology, Phoebe is the by-name of Artemis, goddess of the moon and of hunting. The masculine version of Phoebe is Phoebus.
- Phoenix
Arizona place name and GreekMeaning:
"dark red"Description:
Phoenix is a New Age name symbolizing rebirth and immortality. It's also a place name, a color name, a mythological name, AND an animal name, combining several of today's hottest trends in one appealing package.
- Phyllida
Greek variation of PhyllisMeaning:
"green bough"Description:
Phyllida, a "Masterpiece Theatre"-style appellation, seems far fresher and more unusual than Phyllis. It's green-related meaning makes it one of the prime names that mean new beginnings.
- Phyllis
"green bough"Description:
Phyllis has been used by classical poets for the idealized pastoral maiden. A Greek mythological name of a woman who was turned into an almond tree, Phyllis was in the Top 100 from 1916 to 1958, reaching #24 in 1929, and has the (remote) possibility of joining other revived s-ending names like Iris. In the 'St Clare' book series by Enid Blyton Phyllis is nicknamed Fizz. Just a thought. Phyllida is a variation that sounds at once more old-fashioned and more stylish.
- Pia
Latin or diminutive of OlympiaMeaning:
"pious; from Mount Olympus"Description:
Soft name in the Mia-Nia-Tia family, Pia is heard in both European and Hindi languages.
- Piaf
French surnameMeaning:
Possible musical tribute name to the waiflike, husky-voiced midcentury French singer who was given this last name because of her birdlike quality.
- Piano
- Pierette
French, feminine diminutive of PeterDescription:
Balletic, à la pirouette.
- Pierina